General Settings tab

The General Settings tab displays the general information related to the data series.

You must specify this information on the General Settings tab:

A unique name of the data series.
Note: You cannot modify this value after creating the data series.
Display Name
The display name of the data series.
The data series type. Possible values:
  • Manual
  • Engine Output
  • M3 Import
  • SCV User Import
Note: You cannot modify this value after creating the data series.
The level at which the data series is stored. Possible values:
  • All
  • Base
  • You cannot modify this value after creating the data series.
  • When the value in this field is set to Base, the data series are summed to Aggregate Planning Entities (APE).
  • When Type is set to M3 Import, or SCV User Import, the level is set to Base and cannot be modified.
Period Aggregation
The data series values to be displayed at Period Aggregations in Demand Planning Workbench. Possible values:
  • Sum
  • Average
  • By default, the value in this field is set to Sum.
  • You can only modify this value if the data series Type is set to SCV User Import, or M3 Import.
Indicates whether the data series is system defined.
Note: Data series defined by the system restricts the options that can be modified.
Determines whether the data series is populated and displayed to the users.
Note: If the data series Type is set to M3 Import and enabled, the data series cannot be disabled.

The Type and Level fields of the data series determines whether a data series can be modified within Demand Planning Workbench:

  • The Manual type data series can be modified within Demand Planning Workbench at the specific level.
  • The Engine Output, M3 Import, or SCV User Import type data series cannot be modified within Demand Planning Workbench.