Demand Planning Workbench
The Demand Planning Workbench consists of various components that interact with each other. The components include the Table panel which contains the Fiscal, Forecast and History tables, and Accuracy chart; the Graph panel, the Selection panel, the Summary panel, the Toolbar, and the Information panel.
The Demand Planning Workbench contains a toolbar and these main panels:
- Selection: This panel is located to the left of the central Work Area panel and is collapsible. See, the Selection panel topic for more details.
- Work Area: This panel contains the toolbar, the graph panel, and the table panel.
- Information: This panel is located to the right of the central Work Area panel and is collapsible.
The Work Area and Information panels are populated with data based on the Planning Entity (PE) or Aggregate Planning Entity (APE) selected in the Selection panel. The forecast data is modified and regenerated in Demand Planning Workbench.
Note: Data in the panels is displayed, only if a PE or APE is
You can use these options in the main toolbar of Demand Planning Workbench:
- Demand Planning Workbench. : To modify the way the data is displayed in
- Periodicity topic for more details. : To determine the periodicity of the data to be displayed. See, the
- PE or APE. See, the Calculate topic for more details. : To generate forecasts for all levels of the current
- PE or APE. See, the Discard/Save topic for more details. : To save or discard the changes of the
- Work Area panel. : To view or hide the table in the
- Work Area panel. : To view or hide the chart in the