Creating channel product combinations for warehouse

You can create new Channel Product (CP) combinations when the channel definition is defined as Warehouse in the business area.

To create a new CP combination:

  1. Select SCP > Business Area > Configuration > New Product Introduction. The New Product Introduction screen is displayed.
  2. Specify Product Code.
    Note: If the specified product code is not valid, the The selected product is not available in this business area message is displayed.
  3. Click Verify. A list of warehouses is displayed.
    Note: The Verify option is disabled when the specified product code is valid and is enabled only when you modify the product code.
  4. Select the required check box corresponding to the warehouse(s).
    Note: You can use the Select All check box to select all the warehouses that are displayed.
  5. Click Introduce. A confirmation screen is displayed after the successful validation.
    Note: If the specified information is not valid, this message is displayed:
    New Product Introduction 
    Please enter and verify a product code and then select warehouses before proceeding.
  6. Verify the CP combinations.
    Note: You can create additional CP combinations, using the Introduce Next Product option.