Filter Items step

The Filter Items screen enables you to add item filters to the business area and is divided into two sections. The section on the left, enables you to add an item filter and the section on the right enables you to select the item properties for the filter.

Note: This is an optional step in the Business Area Definition wizard and you can skip this step if not required.
You can use the Filter item by field to add an item property filter. Possible values:
  • Item Type
  • Item Group
  • Item Category

The item properties associated with the selected item filter are displayed on the right section when you select an item filter. By default, all the property items in the selected item property filter are selected. You can remove an item property by clearing the checkbox and add it back by selecting the checkbox.

Note: You can select a limited number of item properties per filter:
  • Item type: A maximum of 10 properties
  • Item Group: A maximum of 8 properties
  • Item Category: A maximum of 10 properties.