Configuring data access partition
Select SCP > Global > Configuration > Data Access Partitions. The Data Access Partitions screen is
Note: You must have the Demand Forecasting – Data Access Partitions – Edit permission to create the data access partitions.
- Click Add to create a partition.
- Specify this information:
- Name
- The name of the data access partition.
- Description
- The description of the data access partition.
- Write Access Roles
- The roles with permission to modify Planning Entities (PEs), or Aggregate Planning Entities (APEs) in the data access partition.
- Read Access Roles
- The roles with permission to view PEs, or APEs in the data access partition.
- Filter Condition
- The condition based on which the data is filtered. Possible
- OR
Note:- You can use the Add Condition option to create a new set of conditions based on the selection in the Filter Condition field.
- You can use the Add Sub Condition field to create a new subset of conditions within the current condition level.
- Attribute or property
- The attribute or properties defined in the business area.
- Operator
- The operator to be used for creating the filter condition.
- Value
- The value to which the filter condition must be
applied.Note: You can delete the filter condition row, using the Delete option.
Click Update.
Note: You can use this page to:
- Modify the associated users and roles linked to the existing data access partition.
- Create a duplicate of the existing data access partition and modify the associated users and roles as required, using the Duplicate option.
- Delete the data access partitions, using the Delete option.