Planning Engine status

The Ad hoc Planning Engines can only have Running status.

The Cycle Planning Engines can have these statuses:

  • Master: The Planning Engine that contains the current plan data and is intended to be published. There can be only one Planning Engine with Master status.
  • Running: The Planning Engines that are based on the Master Planning Engine or other Planning Engine with Running status. These Planning Engines are used as sandbox planning engines that enable the users to view and analyse different scenarios. A Running Planning Engine can be promoted to Master Planning Engine during the process if required.
  • Published: The Planning Engine which includes the published and completed plan data for a specified period.
  • Completed: The Planning Engines for a completed period. These Planning Engines for the completed period have not been published.

This table lists the status names and the transition status for the Cycle Planning Engine:

Status Description Status transition Transition description
Master The master Planning Engine for the Planning Engine cycle is created and running. Running If a Planning Engine with the Running status is promoted to Master, the status of the previous Master Planning Engine is set to Running.
Published The Master Planning Engine is used to create the Next Planning Engine and the status is set to Published, at the completion of the process.
Completed If a Planning Engine with the Running status is used to create the Next Planning Engine (instead of the Master Planning Engine), the status of the Master Planning Engine is set to Completed (instead of Published), at the completion of the process.
Running The Planning Engine is copied from a Running or Master Planning Engine in the cycle. Master If a Planning Engine with the Running status is promoted to Master, the selected Planning Engine status is changed from Running to Master, and the status of the previous Master Planning Engine is set to Running.
Completed The status of any Planning Engines that are not used to create the Next Planning Engine is set to Completed, at the completion of the process.
Published If the Planning Engine with the Running status is used to create the Next Planning Engine, the status of the Planning Engine is set to Published, at the completion of the process. All other Planning Engines (Running and Master) status is set to Completed.
Completed The status of the Planning Engines that are not selected to be published is set to Completed, at the completion of the process. None
Published The Planning Engine that is published and used to create the base for the next Master Planning Engine. None

This table lists the transition status for the adhoc Planning Engine Status Transitions:

Status Description Status transition
Running The adhoc Planning Engine is created and running. None