Validation and execution
The selected Planning Engine (PE) is deleted on successful validation and execution of the macro. These are the validation rules:
- User must have access to the specified Planning Engine to be deleted.
- If Planning Engine is specified, it is not required to populate the other context parameters, since the Planning Engine name is unique.
- If the Planning Engine name and Cycle parameters are specified, the Cycle parameter is not considered.
- If the Cycle parameter is specified, the PEs within the specified Cycle are deleted, except the PE with the Master status.
- PEs with the Master status are only considered when the Cycle and Status parameters are not specified.
- The macro execution deletes PEs with the Running status before deleting the Master Planning Engine.
- When deleting Master Planning Engine, a check is carried out to ensure that no running PEs
are remaining for the cycle associated with the Master Planning Engine. If running Planning
Engines exist for the cycle, the Master Planning Engine is not deleted, and this warning
message is displayed in the audit
Planning Engine {0} with status Master cannot be deleted since the cycle has running Planning Engines.
Where {0} is the display name of the Master Planning Engine that cannot be deleted.
- Planning Engines that are deleted successfully are reported in the audit log, and this
message is displayed in the audit
Planning Engine {0} deleted
Where {0} is the display name of the Master Planning Engine that is deleted.
- The ‘Stop on end Status’ parameter analyses whether the macro step can be ignored or
whether it will force the entire macro to stop, if a validation fails. There are 3 levels of
validations as specified:
- None = Macro step is ignored if any validation fails.
- Warning = Macro step fails if validation at levels Warning or Error are encountered.
- Error = Macro step fails only if validation of level Error is encountered.
- Upon successful validation the Planning Engine is deleted and any notes associated with the Planning Engine will also be deleted.
This table lists all the possible combinations of the DeletePlanningEngine macro parameters that determine the PEs to be considered for deletion:
Planning Engine | Category | Cycle | Status | Result |
NO | YES | NO | NO | All PEs of specified Category regardless of status to be deleted. All status is considered. |
YES | NO | NO | NO | The specified PE is deleted. Note:
NO | NO | NO | NO | All PEs are deleted including the Master Planning Engines. Note: All status is considered.
YES | YES | NO | NO | The specified PE with the specified Category is deleted. Note:
NO | YES | YES | YES | All PEs with specified status and specified category for the specified cycle are
deleted. Possible values for status: Note:
NO | YES | YES | NO | All PEs with specified category in the specified cycle are deleted, except the PE with the Master status. |
YES | NO | YES | YES | The specified PE with the specified status is deleted. When Planning Engine name
and Cycle are both populated, the Cycle parameter is not
considered. Note: This scenario is not optimal since deletion
is only possible if the PE has the specified status.
YES | NO | NO | YES | The specified PE with the specified status is deleted. Possible values:
Note: This scenario is not optimal since deletion is only
possible if the PE has the specified status.
YES | NO | YES | NO | The specified PE is deleted. The Cycle parameter is not
considered since the Planning Engine name parameter is specified. All status is
considered including the Master Planning Engine as the Cycle parameter is not
considered. Note: This can be a PE with the
Master status. However, the master PE can only be deleted
if running PE for the cycle does not exist.
NO | NO | YES | YES | All PEs with the status specified for the specified Cycle are deleted. Possible
NO | NO | NO | YES | All PEs with the specified status are deleted. The PEs can belong to a cycle or
adhoc. Possible values:
Note: The Published and
Completed status is only applicable to cycle-based
NO | NO | YES | NO | All PEs within the specified Cycle are deleted, except the Master Planning Engine. |
YES | YES | YES | YES | The specified PE with the specified Category and Status is deleted. The
Cycle parameter is not considered since the Planning Engine
name parameter is specified. Possible status:
Note: This scenario is not optimal since deletion is only
possible if the PE has the specified status and specified category.
YES | YES | NO | YES | The specified PE with specified Category and Status is deleted. Possible
Note: This scenario is not optimal since deletion is only
possible if the PE has the specified status and specified category.
YES | YES | YES | NO |
The specified PE with the specified category is deleted. The Cycle parameter is not considered since the Planning Engine name parameter is specified. This can be a PE with the Master status. However, the master PE can only be deleted if running PE for the cycle does not exist. Note: This scenario is not optimal since deletion is only
possible if the PE has the specified status.