Defining a schedule for an expert job

Use this page to create an expert job schedule that executes a specified macro.

  1. Select Configuration > Cycle > Job Scheduler. The Job Scheduler screen is displayed.
  2. Click New and select Expert Job. The Job Scheduler tabs are displayed.
  3. Specify this information on the Job Details tab:
    The name of a job.
    Note: You cannot modify the name after the job is created.
    Display Name
    The display name of the scheduled job.
    Indicates if the job is enabled and can be scheduled to run the process.
    Macro Type
    The type of macro to be executed when a job is initiated. Possible values:
    • Scenario
    • Cycle Period
    • System
    • Planning Engine
    The macro to be executed.
    Note: The macros are displayed based on the Macro Type field.
    Run As
    The name of the user who executes the macro.
    • The name of the current user is defaulted.
    • The selected user must have the required permissions and data security access to the macro.
    The cycle for which the macro to execute.
    • This is a required field when the Macro Type is set to Scenario, or Cycle Period.
    • This is an optional field when the Macro Type is set to System.
    • This field is disabled when the Macro Type is set to Planning Engine.
    Production Scheduling Model
    The production scheduling model for which the macro to be executed.
    • This is an optional field when the Macro Type is set to System.
    • This field is disabled when the Macro Type is set to Scenario, Cycle Period, or Planning Engine.
    Planning Engine Cycle
    The planning engine cycle for which the macro is to be executed.
    Note: This field is enabled when Macro Type is set to System, or Planning Engine.
    Planning Engine
    The planning engine for which the macro to be executed.
    • This is a required field when the Macro Type is set to Planning Engine.
    • This is an optional field when the Macro Type is set to System.
    • This field is disabled when the Macro Type is set to Scenario, or Cycle Period.
    • If the Planning Engine Cycle field value is selected, the Planning Engines associated with the selected cycle are displayed.
    • If the Planning Engine Cycle field is not selected, all Planning Engines are displayed.
    The module in which the job is scheduled to execute the macro.
    • This is a required field when the Macro Type is set to Scenario.
    • This field is disabled when the Macro Type is set to System, Cycle Period, or Planning Engine.
    The scenario for which the job is scheduled.
    • This is a required field when the Macro Type is set to Scenario.
    • This field is disabled when the Macro Type is set to System, Cycle Period, or Planning Engine.
    • You can view the list of scenarios only if you specify the values for the Cycle and Module fields.
    • You can also add a scenario that is not available in the list using the Add option. This is required where a job is to be scheduled against a non-default scenario.
  4. Specify this information in the Schedule Expression tab:
    Schedule Expression
    The CRON syntax for the scheduled job. See, Syntax for the schedule expression for more details.
    Note: The value is updated automatically when you click the Save or Generate Schedule option.
    Next Run Time (UTC)
    The date and time of the next scheduled job. The next run time starts from midnight of the selected Start date at the selected Start time.
    • This value is populated when you specify the value in the Scheduled Expression field and click the Save or Generate Schedule option.
    • The scheduled Expression calculates the Next Run Time (UTC) value based on the UTC time zone.
  5. Click Save.
    Note: You can use this page to:
    • Create a duplicate of the existing schedule job and modify the parameters as required using the Duplicate option.
    • Delete the existing schedule jobs using the Delete option.
    • Modify an existing job using the Edit option.