Purge validation log
The purge validation log process deletes validation logs from the SCV validation log
table. This process is implemented using the PURGE_VALIDATION_LOG program.
The PURGE_VALIDATION_LOG program considers these input parameters:
- The number of executions for which the validation log records must be maintained after
deletion. Note: By default, the value is set to 1.
- The source system from which the planning data in the validation log is imported.
The PURGE_VALIDATION_LOG program deletes validation logs as follows:
- Logs new log record.
- Identifies the latest <EXECUTIONS_TO_KEEP> records for each separate table_name that is validated if the Source parameter is specified in the SZ_EXECUTION_TASK_LOG table.
- Includes the execution_id task log record available in the PURGE_VALIDATION_LOG program in the <execution IDs to keep> list.
- Deletes all records from the SZ_VALIDATION_LOG table where the execution_id value is not in the <execution IDs to keep> list.
- Commits the changes upon successful deletion.
- Completes the log record with the actual status.