Running the process

Forecast Consumption considers that the remaining forecasts for the first aggregate level in the Location Hierarchy are to be calculated. These hierarchies typically match the setup for the Demand Planning (Demand+) cycle.

To run the Forecast Consumption process:

  1. Create the Planning Engine data model.
  2. Validate the Application Variables for Forecast Consumption.
  3. Do one of the following:
    1. Run the FC System Macro to create a Planning Engine Instance (FC – Master macro) master macro.
      Note: This process creates a new planning engine instance based on the application variables, import master data and transactional data, and run an initial Solve.
    2. Execute these steps for more control:
      1. Create an Instance of a Planning Engine using a Forecast Consumption engine definition.
      2. Import Master data.
      3. Import Transactional data.
      4. Run an initial Solve.
  4. Publish the Forecast Consumption to SCV using the publish macro.
    Note: Refer the Infor Forecast Consumption Model documentation for more details on the Planning Engine functionality.