Imported planning data

The planning data is generally imported with full refresh mode. Therefore, the previously imported planning data is replaced by the newly imported planning data. In this case, the volume of planning data is represented by the SCV Inbox and Core tables of the planning data.

Sales history is a planning data type that is imported frequently. Therefore, sales history is imported using incremental refresh mode, which adds new data and updates existing data. However, the data is not purged outside the planning horizon. The sales history records that are older than the start date of the planning horizon, can be purged. In this case, users can use the PURGE_PLANNING_DATA SCV program. Deleting older data reduces the data volume of custom imports that use the incremental refresh mode.

The standard delivered integrations, for example, M3-SCP Demand Planning or M3-SCP Supply Planning, import all planning data from the ERP that can be used by the SCP application. Therefore, users can review the implementation requirements before importing. The volume of imported data can be reduced by disabling the imports for data types that are not required.