Forecast engine error codes
Code | Error Message | Algorithm or Parameter (if applicable) | Description |
1 | An unknown error has occurred. | This is due to some unidentified error. Contact Infor Support. | |
2 | An internal Java error has occurred. | This is due to some unidentified error. Contact Infor Support. | |
4 | There is no non-zero history. A model cannot be fitted. | We cannot identify a non-zero history point, so a forecast cannot be generated. Review Alerts and history for this item. Consider the Short History parameter. | |
5 | All of the non-zero history is masked. The average event cannot be calculated. No model fit can be performed. | Crostons algorithm. Min Periods for SMP. |
The item has been identified as SMP, but all non-zero history is masked, so a forecast cannot be generated. Review Alerts (Missing Forecast) and masks for this item. |
6 | There is not enough history ({0}) periods) to perform the average event calculation. A model cannot be fitted. | Crostons algorithm. Min Periods for SMP. | The item has been identified as SMP but there are not enough history points, so
a forecast cannot be generated. A minimum of 4 history periods are required.
Review Alerts (Missing Forecast) and history for this item. Consider the Short History parameter. |
7 | Forecast vector length ({0}) and the horizon ({1}) do not match. | This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless
there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
8 | The list of 53 week periods for the forecast is incorrect. |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
9 | History vector has a zero length. The model cannot be initialized. | This is an exception already handled in the engine. The item has no history or
all non-zero history is masked. Review history and masks for this item. Consider the Short History parameter. |
10 | History length ({0}) and mask length ({1}) differ. History could not be setup. |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
11 | The list of 53 week periods for the history is incorrect. |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
12 | Mask vector length ({0}) is too short. |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
13 | History vector has zero length. | This is an exception that is already handled in the engine. The item has no
history or all non-zero history is masked. Review history and masks for this item. Consider the Short History parameter. Else, contact Infor support. |
14 | The seasonal type is incorrect. It must be ADDITIVE or MULTIPLICATIVE. | Seasonal Type | Incorrect parameter value. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
15 | The history length ({0}) is not long enough for seasonal indices to be calculated. No model initialisation can be performed. | Holt-Winters algorithm. Initialization Type and Model Form |
The history data is not allowed for Medians initialization for a seasonal model. Consider an alternative algorithm or adjust the initialization type or model form parameters. |
16 | The two series for the least squares fit are of different lengths (x {0} and y {1}). | Least Squares algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
17 | The two series are of zero length. | Least Squares algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
18 | The X series in the least squares fit sums to zero. | Least Squares algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
19 | The Y series in the least squares fit sums to zero. | Least Squares algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
20 | The algorithm chosen ({0}) has not been implemented. No model fit can be performed. | Algorithm |
Review the Algorithm in the forecast engine configuration. This exception cannot occur as the algorithm selection is made from a set of supported options. Check if algorithm is configured using an invalid template file. |
21 | There is no history. No model fit can be performed. | We cannot identify any non-zero history points, so a forecast cannot be
generated. Review Alerts and history for this item. Consider the Short History parameter. |
22 | History length ({0}) and mask length ({1}) differ. No model fit can be performed. |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
23 | All of the history is masked. No model fit can be performed." | Masks |
All non-zero history is masked, so a forecast cannot be generated. Review Alerts (Missing Forecast) and masks for this item. |
24 | The period, {0}, is invalid. |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
26 | The history trend damping factor is out of range ({0}). It must be >0 and <=1. | History Trend Damping Factor |
The parameter value is outside of the accepted values. Review this parameter in the parameter value in the forecast engine configuration. |
27 | P Value ({0}) is invalid in the Normal Quantile Function calculation. |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
29 | History length ({0}) and forecast length ({1}) differ. No summary statistics can be calculated. |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
30 | History vector has no length. No summary statistics can be calculated. | This is an exception that is already handled in the engine. The item has no
history or all non-zero history is masked. Review history and masks for this item. Consider the Short History parameter. Else, contact Infor support. |
31 | History length ({0}) and mask length ({1}) differ. No summary statistics can be calculated. |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
32 | The run type of the model is incorrect ({0}). It must be INITIALMODELFIT. |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
33 | The run type of the model is incorrect ({0}). It must be INITIALMODELFIT. |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
34 | Forecast horizon ({0}) has not been set. | Cycle future horizon |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP as the forecast horizon is derived from the cycle period. Contact Infor support. |
35 | There are no model coefficients set up so no forecast can be created. |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
36 | Tracking signal type is not valid. | Tracking Type | The parameter value is outside the acceptable range. The value must be one of
the followings:
37 | Time period ({0}) is larger than the smoothing coefficient vector size ({1}). |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
38 | History length ({0}) used in the moving average technique is shorter than the moving point length ({1}). No model fit can be performed. | Moving Average point value |
There are not enough history points to fit the specified moving average length, so a forecast cannot be generated. Review Alerts (Missing Forecast) and history for this item. Consider the Short History parameter or reduce the Moving Average point value. |
45 | An error has occurred in trying to reconstruct the online forecast vector. |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
46 | The future change period ({0}) is not valid. No model fit will be returned. |
This referred to a disabled feature, for future use, and cannot occur unless there is a configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
49 | There are no model coefficients set up. |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
50 | Exponential moving average lambda coefficient is invalid. It must be >= 0 and <=1. | Exponentially weighted moving average Lambda | The parameter value is outside the acceptable range. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
51 | The model form is incorrect. It must be CONSTANT, LINEAR or SEASONAL. | Model Form | The parameter value is outside of the accepted range. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
52 | The initialization type is incorrect. It should be NOINITIALISATION, MEDIANS, AVERAGING, DECOMPOSITION, LEASTSQUARE, or BACKCASTING. | Initialization Type |
The parameter value is outside of the accepted range. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
53 | There is no historical independent data so no regression can be performed. | Multiple Regression algorithm. Independent variable |
The forecast engine is using multiple regression, but no historical values are stored for the independent variable. Review the measure data mapped to the independent variable for this item in the forecast engine or change the Algorithm. |
54 | There is no forecast independent variable data so no forecasts can be calculated. | Multiple Regression algorithm. Independent variable |
The forecast engine is using multiple regression, but no historical values are stored for the independent variable. Review the measure data mapped to the independent variable for this item in the forecast engine or change the Algorithm. |
55 | There are no historical independent variables so no regression can be performed. | Multiple Regression algorithm. Independent variable |
The forecast engine is using multiple regression, but no historical values are stored for the independent variable. Review the measure data mapped to the independent variable for this item in the forecast engine or change the Algorithm. |
56 | There are no beta coefficients for the multiple regression model fit so no forecasts can be calculated. | Multiple Regression algorithm. |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
57 | The three matrices are of incompatible dimensions. |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
58 | The matrix cannot be symmetric because it is not square. |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
59 | The number of independent variables does not match the number of beta coefficients. |
Multiple Regression algorithm. Regression coefficient |
The forecast engine is using multiple regression but there is not a regression coefficient mapped for each independent variable. Review the forecast engine configuration or change the Algorithm. |
61 | There are duplicate independent variables. | Multiple Regression algorithm. Independent variable | The forecast engine is using multiple regression and two or more independent variables are mapped with the duplicate data. Review the measure data mapped to the independent variables for this item in the forecast engine configuration or change the Algorithm. |
62 | There is not enough forecast independent variable data so no forecasts can be calculated. | Multiple Regression algorithm. Independent variable |
The forecast engine is using multiple regression, but not enough forecast values are stored for any independent variables. Review the measure data mapped to the independent variables for this item in the forecast engine configuration or change the Algorithm. |
63 | Tracking signal control limit is not valid. | Tracking Control Limit |
The parameter value is outside of the accepted range. The value must be one of the following: 0.8, 0.9, 0.95, 0.96, 0.97, 0.98, 0.99. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
64 | The Crostons algorithm cannot be used with events modeling. | Crostons algorithm. Perform Event Modeling. Minimum Periods for SMP |
The item has been identified as SMP, however Events data is defined and event modelling is enabled. Review the measure data mapped to the Events in the forecast engine configuration for this item-location. Else, review this parameter to consider if this item must be classified as an SMP, calculated with Crostons. |
65 | The data is too short to apply differencing. | Not yet implemented. If returned, contact Infor support. | |
66 | The data is too short to apply seasonal differencing. | Not yet implemented. If returned, contact Infor support. | |
69 | The time period is invalid. |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
70 | The history is too short to fit a model. |
This is an exception already handled in the engine. The item cannot have enough history observations for the selected algorithm. Review history for this item. Consider the Short History parameter. |
71 | The algorithm chosen ({0}) has not had parameter optimisation implemented. No model fit can be performed. | Algorithm. Optimize Parameters |
The algorithm in the forecast engine configuration is not compatible with Optimize Parameters = True. Consider a different algorithm or set Optimize Parameters = False. |
72 | The moving average point cannot be zero. | Moving Average point value |
The parameter value is outside of the acceptable range. The value must be a positive integer. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
73 | No algorithms were processed for the call to BEST. | Best algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine. No valid models are returned by the best fit process. This error cannot occur unless there is a configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
74 | The discount factor vector is null. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
75 | There are negative event magnitudes for a call to the forecasting engine using the EVENTSONLY algorithm. This is not presently supported. | Events Only algorithm |
Negative event magnitudes are not supported for Events Only algorithm. Review the measure data mapped to the Events profiles for this item in the forecast engine or change the Algorithm. |
76 | There are both positive and negative event magnitudes in the same event type
for a call to the forecasting engine using an algorithm other than
EVENTSONLY. This is not presently supported. |
Perform Events Modeling | The forecast engine is set to perform Event modeling but one of the event
profiles contains both negative and positive values which is not supported.
Review the measure data mapped to the Events profiles for this item in the forecast engine and split the positive and negative values to a different Events measure (profile). |
78 | The forecasting engine was unable to select an algorithm due to the forecast magnitude test failing for all algorithms. | Best algorithm. Forecast Test Magnitude |
No forecast is returned by the Best Fit process for this item as all available models failed the forecast magnitude test. Review Alerts (Forecast Magnitude Error) for affected items. Also, review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration, considering a higher value or disabling the test. |
79 | There is no non-zero history in the most recent {0} periods. | Recent History |
The item failed the recent history test, so no forecast is calculated. Review Alerts (No Recent History) for affected items. Also review the Recent History parameter in the forecast engine configuration, lowering the value or disabling the test, to reduce the number of items raised with this exception. |
80 | The independent variables are all equal. This is not permitted. Choose another algorithm or change the independent variable. | Multiple Regression algorithm. Independent variable |
The forecast engine is using multiple regression and one or more independent variables contains the same value for all periods. Review the measure data mapped to the independent variables for this item in the forecast engine configuration or change the algorithm. |
81 | History length without masked periods {(0)} and retrospective forecast length ({1}) differ. No retrospective summary statistics can be calculated. | Masks |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Review the measure data mapped to Masks for this item. Else, contact Infor support. |
82 | It was not possible to fit a model due to a data check failure. |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
85 | The history replacement method provided is incorrect. Please provide a valid method. |
History Replacement Algorithm |
The specified algorithm in the history replacement engine configuration is not
valid. The value must be one of the followings:
86 | The start index for history replacement must be greater than or equal to zero. | History Replacement, Replacement Start Date | The measure value mapped to the Replacement Start Date parameter mappings in the history replacement engine configuration is invalid for this item-location. Review the measure data mapped to Replacement Start Date for this item-location, ensuring the date is within the cycle period history horizon. |
87 | The end index is less than the start index for history replacement. | History Replacement, Replacement Start Date, Replacement End Date |
The measure values mapped to the Replacement Start Date and Replacement End Date parameter mappings in the history replacement engine configuration are invalid for this item-location. Review the corresponding measure values ensuring the start date is prior to the end date and both dates are within the cycle period history horizon. |
88 | The end index is greater than or equal to the history length for history replacement. | History Replacement. Replacement End Date |
The measure value mapped to the Replacement End Date parameter mappings in the history replacement engine configuration are invalid for this item-location. Review the measure data mapped to Replacement End Date for this item-location, ensuring the end date is within the cycle period history horizon. |
89 | No history has been provided for this history replacement method. | History Replacement. Input History |
We cannot identify the first non-zero history point, so a replacement value cannot be generated. Review the measure data mapped to Input History for this item-location. |
90 | No forecast offset has been provided for this history replacement method. | History Replacement, Offset Forecasts algorithm, Offset Forecast | The history replacement engine is using Offset Forecasts. However, there is no offset forecast value to use for the replacement calculation. |
91 | The history length is zero and that is incompatible with the history replacement type. | History Replacement, Replacement Start Date, Input History |
There is not enough history prior to the replacement start date, so a replacement value cannot be generated for the defined algorithm. Review the measure data mapped to Input History and Replacement Start Date for this item-location or consider an alternative algorithm (User-defined, Offset Forecasts). |
92 | The start index for history replacement must be greater than zero when the method is not user defined. | History Replacement, Replacement Start Date |
The measure value mapped to the Replacement Start Date parameter mappings in the history replacement engine configuration is not defined or is set to a date within the first period for this item-location. A start date within the first period is not possible for most algorithms. Review the measure data mapped to Replacement Start Date for this item-location or consider the User-Defined Value algorithm. |
93 | The forecast offset for history replacement is longer than the difference between the start and end indices. | History Replacement. Forecast Offset | This a handled exception in the engine, however this should never occur unless
there is a configuration issue in SCP. Refer to Infor support. Consider an alternative History Replacement algorithm. |
96 | The AI Service is not configured for this tenant. | ARIMA algorithm | The ARIMA algorithm has been attempted without a valid configuration of the
SCP AI service. Note: This
technique is currently supported only for Multi-tenant (MT) cloud deployments of
SCP. If using SCP in MT
Cloud, refer to Infor support. Else, use an alternative Forecast
97 | The Arima Algorithm has catastrophically failed. | ARIMA algorithm | The ARIMA algorithm has failed in some way. This a handled exception in the
engine which must not normally occur unless there is a configuration or data issue.
See the error string for the specific error message and refer to Infor support. Consider an alternative Forecast algorithm. |
98 | An error occurred in the ARIMA base algorithm. | ARIMA algorithm | The ARIMA algorithm has been unable to generate a forecast result. This a
handled exception in the engine which must not normally occur unless there is a
configuration or data issue. See the error string for the specific error message and refer to Infor support. Consider an alternative Forecast algorithm. |
99 | An error occurred in the AI Service whilst executing this request. | ARIMA algorithm | The ARIMA algorithm has been attempted without a valid configuration of the
SCP AI service, or the service is not currently
running. Note: This
technique is currently only supported for Multi-tenant (MT) cloud deployments of
SCP. If using SCP in MT
Cloud, refer to Infor support. Else, use an alternative Forecast
100 | The start index for history replacement is greater than the history length. | History Replacement. Replacement Start Date | The measure value mapped to the Replacement Start Date parameter mappings in
the history replacement engine configuration is not defined or is set to a date
which is not suitable for the history horizon for this item-location. Review the measure data mapped to Replacement Start Date for this item-location, or consider the User-Defined Value algorithm. |
200 | Invalid trend discount factor. | BATS algorithm, Routine Trend Discount |
The parameter value is outside of the accepted range. The value must be a decimal >0 and <=1. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
201 | Invalid seasonal discount factor. | BATS algorithm. Routine Seasonal Discount |
The parameter value is outside of the accepted range. The value must be a decimal >0 and <=1. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
202 | Invalid regression discount factor. | BATS algorithm. Routine Regression Discount |
The parameter value is outside of the accepted range. The value must be a decimal >0 and <=1. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
203 | Invalid variance discount factor. | BATS algorithm. Routine Variance Discount |
The parameter value is outside of the accepted range. The value must be a decimal >0 and <=1. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
204 | Demand and outlier lengths differ. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
205 | Demand and missing lengths differ. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
206 | Invalid time index for regressor. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
207 | Invalid regressor index | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
208 | Unable to determine level for multiplicative seasonality. | BATS algorithm. Seasonal Type |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support or modify the value of Seasonal Type to NONE or ADDITIVE. |
209 | DLM trend component has unknown form. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
210 | Regressor index out of range | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
211 | Possible DLM dimension error | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
212 | DLM maximum model terms is invalid. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
214 | Maximum model terms is out of range. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
215 | Index out of bounds for regressor. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
216 | Time index out of bounds. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
217 | The matrix is not square and cannot be resized. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
218 | Unable to determine level - no model defined. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
219 | No BATS model exists. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
220 | Out of bounds period for processed DLMs | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
221 | Insufficient values for reference initialisation. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
222 | Unable to perform reference initialisation. Regression values produced a singular matrix. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
223 | Unhandled monitor signal. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
224 | Invalid forecast variance. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
225 | Out of bounds period for online processed DLM retrieve. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
226 | Out of bounds period for retro processed DLM retrieve. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
227 | Out of bounds period for online processed DLM assignment. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
228 | Out of bounds period for retro processed DLM assignment. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
229 | Prior covariance is singular in Back Filter. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
230 | Trend discount factor out of range. Check the database. | BATS algorithm. Routine Trend Discount |
The parameter value is outside of the accepted range. The value must be a decimal >0 and <=1. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
231 | Seasonal discount factor out of range. Check the database. | BATS algorithm. Routine Seasonal Discount |
The parameter value is outside of the accepted range. The value must be a decimal >0 and <=1. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
232 | Variance discount factor out of range. Check the database. | BATS algorithm. Routine Variance Discount |
The parameter value is outside of the accepted range. The value must be a decimal >0 and <=1. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
233 | Regression discount factor out of range. Check the database. | BATS algorithm. Routine Regression Discount |
The parameter value is outside of the accepted range. The value must be a decimal >0 and <=1. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
234 | Intervention trend discount factor out of range. Check the database. | BATS algorithm. Intervention Trend Discount |
The parameter value is outside of the accepted range. The value must be a decimal >0 and <=1, lower than the routine value. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
235 | Intervention seasonal discount factor out of range. Check the database. | BATS algorithm. Intervention Seasonal Discount |
The parameter value is outside of the accepted range. The value must be a decimal >0 and <=1, typically lower than the routine value. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
236 | Intervention variance discount factor out of range. Check the database. | BATS algorithm. Intervention Variance Discount |
The parameter value is outside of the accepted range. The value must be a decimal >0 and <=1, typically lower than the routine value. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
237 | Intervention regression discount factor out of range. Check the database. | BATS algorithm. Intervention Regression Discount |
The parameter value is outside of the accepted range. The value must be a decimal >0 and <=1, typically lower than the routine value. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
238 | Scale shift inflation factor out of range. Check the database. | BATS algorithm. Scale Inflation Factor |
The parameter value is outside of the accepted range. The value must be a decimal between 0.001 - 100. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
239 | Scale shift threshold out of range. Check the database. | BATS algorithm. Scale inflation threshold |
The parameter value is outside of the accepted range. The value must be a decimal >0 and <=1. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
240 | Level increase threshold out of range. Check the database. | BATS algorithm. Level inflation threshold |
The parameter value is outside of the accepted range. The value must be a decimal >0 and <=1. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
241 | Max Model Terms must be a value in the range 1 <= x <= 106. The value was: {0} | BATS algorithm. Maximum Model Terms |
The parameter is outside the accepted range. Review the parameter in the forecast engine configuration. If Period Level is set to Months, it is recommended to set this to an integer value between 1 and 14. If Period Level is set to Weeks, it is recommended to set to an integer value between 1 and 106. Note: The validation only checks if this value is outside the
upper limit of 106.
242 | Harmonic significance level out of range. Check the database. | BATS algorithm. Confidence Limit |
The parameter value is outside of the accepted range. The value must be one of the followings: 0, 90, 95, 97.5, 99, 99.5. Review this parameter in the forecast engine configuration. |
243 | Forecast independent variable length and forecast horizon do not match. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
244 | Independent variables are of differing lengths. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
245 | Invalid statistical model. | BATS algorithm |
This is an exception already handled in the engine and cannot occur unless there is configuration issue in SCP. Contact Infor support. |
246 | The covariance matrix in BATS is not positive definite meaning it is singular. | BATS algorithm | This a handled exception in the engine, however this should never occur unless there is a configuration issue in SCP. Refer to Infor support. |
247 | The covariance matrix in BATS is not symmetric, that means it is singular. | BATS algorithm | This a handled exception in the engine, however this should never occur unless there is a configuration issue in SCP. Refer to Infor support. |
248 | The covariance matrix in BATS is not square, that means it is singular. | BATS algorithm | This a handled exception in the engine, however this should never occur unless there is a configuration issue in SCP. Refer to Infor support. |
249 | There is an invalid covariance matrix in BATS. | BATS algorithm | This a handled exception in the engine, however this should never occur unless there is a configuration issue in SCP. Refer to Infor support. |