Save or Discard

You can save or discard changes that are made to the Planning Entity (PE) or Aggregate Planning Entity (APE), using the Save or Discard option. You can access this option from the toolbar menu.

If you modify the selected PE or APE in the Work Area or Information panel, upon selecting a new PE or APE, a message is displayed to confirm the action to be performed. Possible options:

  • Yes: Saves the changes to the PE or APE before changing the selection.
  • No: Discards the changes to the PE or APE before changing the selection.
  • Cancel: Returns to the Work Area panel with the unsaved changes.

When saving changes to a PE or APE, a check is performed to ensure that no changes have been made since the PE or APE is loaded into the local session. If there are changes, this message is displayed with the Yes or No option:

Unable to save changes as the PE/APE has been updated.  Refresh data?  

When a PE or APE is saved, the plan is published only if the status of the PE or APE is set to Reviewed, and is at a level set to publish.