Creating adhoc profile

An adhoc profile is used to define a series of values, which can be used to apply values based on the profile to selected periods in the History or Forecast table. You can use the adhoc profile to copy data from one part of the forecast or history table to another, within the same planning entity or a different planning entity.

To create an adhoc profile:
  1. Access the Forecast, or History tab in the Demand Planning Workbench screen.
  2. Right-click on the required cell.
  3. Click Create Adhoc Profile. The Create Adhoc Profile screen is displayed.
  4. Specify the number of periods to be used in the adhoc profile.
    Note: The Number of Periods field value ranges from 1 to the number of periods between the current period (where the context menu is opened) and the end of the grid.
  5. Click OK. The adhoc profile is created from the period where the context menu is opened.

The created profile can be used to apply values based on the profile to the Net forecast row in the Forecast table or the Net history row in the history table.

  • The profile can be used in the Demand Planning Workbench until a new adhoc profile is created or the Demand Planning Workbench is closed.
  • You can continue using the profile even if the Planning Entity (PE) or Aggregate Planning Entity (APE) is modified.