
You can determine the periodicity of the data to be displayed in Demand Planning Workbench, using the Periodicity option. The data is displayed in the associated buckets based on the selected periodicity. These are the available periodicities:
  • All
  • Years
  • Quarters
  • Months
  • Weeks
  • PWeeks
  • Days
  • CAll
  • CYears
  • CQuarters
  • CMonths

The available periodicity, forecast, and history horizons are defined in the system settings. The data displayed in Demand Planning Workbench is based on the selected periodicity. For example:

  • If a calendar periodicity is selected, data is displayed based on the Gregorian calendar.
  • If a non-calendar periodicity is selected, data is displayed based on the system calendar as defined in the initialization wizard.

When changing periodicity, a check is performed to ensure all adjustments are applied. If the adjustments are not applied, this error message is displayed with the OK and Cancel options:

You have adjustments that have not been applied, apply adjustments?

You can click OK to apply the adjustment and change the periodicity or click Cancel to return to the screen with the previous periodicity.