Fiscal tab

The Fiscal tab displays the net history and net forecast in a grid view (fiscal table). By default, this tab is displayed in the Demand Planning workbench. The Fiscal table displays years in columns. The data displayed in the rows is based on the value selected in the Periodicity field of Demand Planning Workbench. If a year contains history and forecast data, separate columns are displayed for history and forecast. The Total row displays the sum of the history or forecast for each year. The Outlook row is only populated for the first forecast column. The displayed value is the sum of history and forecast the current year.

The fiscal table only supports Months, Calendar Months, or Weeks periodicity.

When periodicity is set to Months or Weeks, the periods displayed are based on the calendar defined in the Initialization wizard.

When periodicity is set to Calendar Months, the data displayed is based on the standard Gregorian calendar.

The first forecast period is based on the Forecast From Date, which is defined in the Initialization wizard. You can modify the net forecast, or history values, if required.