Planning entity selection

The Selection panel is displayed when you access the Demand Planning Workbench screen.

You can use these options on the Selection panel:

  • Search: To specify the search parameters of required Planning Entity (PE), or Aggregate Planning Entity (APE). The results are displayed as a list after you specify and click the Go option.
  • Filter: To filter the PE or APE search results.
  • Collapse: To close the Selection panel.
  • Sort: To sort the PE or APE list (Ascending or Descending).
    Note: This option is enabled only if the PE or APE list is displayed.

PE or APE data is displayed in the Selection panel, only after you perform a search. The related PEs or APEs are listed and displayed based on the combination of the product and channel search. Possible scenarios:

  • A single-word search applies a ‘contains’, match across the PE name, description, and other PE attributes and properties in the search index. For example, a search for 101, lists PEs that contain character string 101.
  • Advanced search options can be used to search on specific properties and attributes, The search uses the Lucene query syntax.

The Selection panel displays a count of the search results when a search is performed. A card is displayed for each PE and APE that meets the selection criteria. By default, the first 5 cards are displayed and ordered alphabetically by the PE or APE name in the Selection panel.

  • You can select to display 5, 10, 25 or 100 search records per page.
  • When you select a PE or APE, the Work Area and Information panels are populated with the related information.
  • You can use the Next and Previous options on the Summary panel to move between the PEs on the list.

This information is displayed on each card:

  • Product Name (Product/Grouping)
  • Product Code (this is hyphenated)
  • Channel Name (Channel/Grouping)
  • An icon that identifies APEs and PEs and the type of entity (for example, Product @ Channel)
  • An icon that displays PE relationship
  • An icon that displays the current count of the PEs or APEs situations (if any)