Configuring data access partition

  1. Select SCP > Global > Configuration > Data Access Partitions. The Data Access Partitions screen is displayed.
    Note: You must have the Demand Forecasting – Data Access Partitions – Edit permission to create the data access partitions.
  2. Click Add to create a partition.
  3. Specify this information:
    The name of the data access partition.
    The description of the data access partition.
    Write Access Roles
    The roles with permission to modify Planning Entities (PEs), or Aggregate Planning Entities (APEs) in the data access partition.
    Read Access Roles
    The roles with permission to view PEs, or APEs in the data access partition.
    Filter Condition
    The condition based on which the data is filtered. Possible values:
    • AND
    • OR
    • You can use the Add Condition option to create a new set of conditions based on the selection in the Filter Condition field.
    • You can use the Add Sub Condition field to create a new subset of conditions within the current condition level.
    Attribute or property
    The attribute or properties defined in the business area.
    The operator to be used for creating the filter condition.
    The value to which the filter condition must be applied.
    Note: You can delete the filter condition row, using the Delete option.
  4. Click Update.
    Note: You can use this page to:
    • Modify the associated users and roles linked to the existing data access partition.
    • Create a duplicate of the existing data access partition and modify the associated users and roles as required, using the Duplicate option.
    • Delete the data access partitions, using the Delete option.