The Situations configuration screen lets you determine the situations you want highlighted in the Demand Planning workbench based on predefined or user-defined rules. This screen can be accessed from the menu. You must have the appropriate permission to view SCP Situations.
A list of existing situations is displayed on the Situation screen and are all enabled by default. You can select a situation to view the Situation details screen.
This information is displayed on the Situation details screen:
- Name
- Unique name of the situation.
- Description
- The description of the situation.
- Type
- The type of situation. Possible values:
- No Forecast
- Magnitude
- Value
- Exception Value
- The type of exception value stored when a situation is created for a Planning Entity
(PE). Possible values:
- Percentage
- Count
- Value
- Severity
- The severity level of the situation. Possible values:
- High
- Medium
- Low
- Information
- Generation Trigger
- Determines if the situation is automatically calculated for a PE upon completion of an event. The default trigger is when the Generate Forecast event is completed.
- Enabled
- Indicates whether the situation is active.Note:
- If this switch is enabled, the situation is created when the generation conditions are met.
- If this switch is disabled, the created situations are not removed from PEs. However, additional situations cannot be created.
The creation rule and the description for the selected situation are displayed in a grid at the bottom of the details screen. You can click the Modifying a situation.
option to modify the selected situation and the related creation rule parameters. See,