Data Access Partitions

Use this page to define and manage data partitions used in the Demand Forecasting application. Data Access Partitions (DAP) can be assigned to users with specific roles to view or modify the Planning Entities (PEs) through the Data Access Partition screen.

Note: You must have the Demand Forecasting – Data Access Partitions – View permission to view DAPs.
The DAP determines the PEs and Aggregate Planning Entities (APEs) that a user can access on the Demand Forecasting screens, such as the Demand Planning Workbench and Dashboard. If a DAP is created:
  • All PEs and APEs must be included in data partitions to be visible.
  • Users must have access to at least one data partition to view data.
  • Changes made on the System Settings screen are not restricted by DAPs.
  • All users must be assigned to at least one DAP to access the data.
  • The PEs that are not included in DAPs cannot be accessed by a user in Business Area (BA).
  • The access to APEs for users and roles is based on individual partitions. Users can view aggregates only when a partition includes all base PEs in a single partition.
  • If a user is assigned to multiple partitions, user can only view aggregates based on each partition. Access for PEs is not combined across all partitions, PEs in each partition are considered separately.