Accuracy tab

The Accuracy tab displays the Tactical and Strategic forecast sections of the selected Planning Entity (PE) or Aggregate Planning Entity (APE).

You can review this information in the Tactical and Strategic sections:

  • Accuracy: The net offset forecast as a percentage of the history. This data is displayed as a percentage value with a status icon. The accuracy is displayed based on the value range and indicated by the following colors. Possible values:
    • Green Good status icon: When the range is between 90% to 110%.
    • Amber Alert status icon: When the range is between 80% to 90% and 110% to 120%.
    • Red Error status icon: When the range is less than 80% or greater than 120%.
  • Bias Error: The difference between net offset forecast and history units.
  • Absolute Error: The absolute difference between net offset forecast and history units.
  • Number of SD Error: The total count of standard deviations.