Plan Data plansheet toolbar

The plansheet toolbar can be displayed or hidden using the show or hide option from the toolbar.

These options are displayed on the toolbar for each Planning Engine plansheet:

  • Save
  • Discard Edits
  • Add Note
  • Export to Excel
  • Export to PDF
  • Edit Plansheet Parameters
  • Find out More
  • Execute Macro (1 to 5)
  • Expand to fit Pane/Restore to normal size
  • Planning Engine is protected from concurrent activities to ensure data consistency.
  • This message is displayed if another user attempts to execute a function that modifies data values or the Planning Engine, causing the execution to time out.
    RTPR003 = Required data is being processed and cannot be locked. Please try again later. 


This option is used to save the changes made to the current plansheet in the Planning Engine. The plansheet data is updated and available for modification after the plansheet is saved. The activities are logged in the Audit log.

Discard Edits

This option is used to discard all changes made to the plansheet since the last save and reload the plansheet with the data from the Planning Engine.

Add Note

This option is used to add a note corresponding to the context of the plansheet. The Add Note window is displayed and the Resource, Period, and Property context that has been passed to the plansheet are recorded, when you click the Add Note option.

Note: You can also right-click a cell in the plansheet to display the Add Note window which applies the cell properties (that is Property, Resource, and Period) to the note.

You must specify this information in the Add Note window:

  • Note Type: The note type for which Enabled = Yes Format = Log.
  • Priority: The priority to be set for the Note. Possible values:

    • Critical
    • Warning
    • Information
  • Summary: The summary text for the Note.
  • Details: Detailed information for the note. This is optional.

The new note is saved and the details of the current planning engine related to the note is also recorded when you click the Save option.

If you add a note from the plansheet, a preview of the current plansheet and these additional context fields are saved:

  • Planning Engine Cycle
  • Planning Engine Definition
  • Planning Engine
  • Plansheet
  • Class: Indicates the class to which the resource belongs, if applicable.
    Note: This value is not populated, if the resource is a Query.
  • Resource: Possible scenarios:
    • The resource is passed to the plansheet when a resource created using the Add Note option from the toolbar.
    • The resource is passed to the cells Resource when a resource is created using the right-click functionality from a cell.
  • Property: Possible scenarios:
    • The property is passed to the plansheet when a property created using the Add Note option from the toolbar.
    • The property is passed to the cells Resource when a property is created using the right-click functionality from a cell.
  • Period: Possible scenarios:
    • The period is passed to the plansheet when a period created using the Add Note option from the toolbar.
    • The period is passed to the cells Resource when a period is created using the right-click functionality from a cell.
    Note: This field is not applicable, if the value is a sum.

Export to Excel

This option is used to export plansheet data to an excel file. All rows and columns in the plansheet are exported as follows:

  • The plansheet title bar is displayed in the first row of the Excel file.
  • The header rows and columns contain a freeze pane that enables you to scroll the additional rows or columns while maintaining the corresponding headers.

You can open or save the exported excel file based on the default browser setting.

Note: If the number of records exported exceeds 1000, this message is displayed:
The number of records exported has reached the permitted limit (1,000) 

Export to PDF

This option is used to export plansheet data to a PDF file. All rows and columns in the plansheet are exported as follows:

  • The plansheet title bar is displayed at the top of the PDF document.
  • The table data is displayed in full (as a single page) in the PDF file, determining the page size.
  • A PDF document has a maximum page size that can be exceeded if the total number of rows or columns in the plansheet exceeds the available space.

You can open or save the exported excel file based on the default browser setting.

Note: If the number of records exported exceeds 1000, this message is displayed:
The number of records exported has reached the permitted limit (1,000) 

Edit Plansheet Parameters

This option is used to modify the parameters of an existing plansheet in the Plansheet parameters details window. You can view the changes that are applied to the plansheet without navigating away from the current plansheet. The behaviour of the plansheet parameters window accessed from a plansheet is based on the standard Plansheet configuration. When the Plansheet parameters details window is saved and closed, the current plansheet is updated with the configuration changes, if any.

  • If the plansheet appears blank, displays an error in the panel or contains #REF! dimension errors, this means there is an error in the parameter values specified for the plansheet definition. This error can be resolved by disabling the recently edited plansheet parameter.
  • The changes made to the plansheet are logged in the Audit log.

Find out more

This option displays the documentation window for the current plansheet in the panel. This window displays additional information about the Plansheet content.

Note: This document is different from the online help which contains general information about all plansheets.

Execute Macro (1 to 5)

The planning engine Plansheet toolbar displays additional options if the plansheet contains one of these enabled parameters:

  • rv_macro1_button
  • rv_macro2_button
  • rv_macro3_button
  • rv_macro4_button
  • rv_macro5_button

The Execute Macro option (with number 1 to 5) is displayed on the toolbar. You can use this option to execute the macro defined for the selected option. The tooltip functionality displays the macro display name if specified, else the macro name.

Expand to fit Pane/Restore to normal size

This option is used to expand the current plansheet panel to fit the full display area of the browser, which enable you to view additional columns or rows of the table, if applicable.

  • The other panels in the multi-panel layout are not displayed.
  • The expand toolbar option is updated as Restore to Normal Size. This option is used to revert the plansheet panel to the original size, and restores other panels, if any.
  • This option is only available when the plansheet is displayed within a multi-panel