View Co-ordinate Maps in an embedded worksheet

Map charts are used to display coordinate maps based on the related data of a worksheet. To view the map chart, select a worksheet for which the:

  • Report source: Embedded
  • Report Type: pivot_editor
  • rv_chart_number: 9

The rv_map_type parameter is used to display the map chart. To ensure that coordinate maps are displayed as required, these parameters must be specified:

  • rv_map_latitude: Used to determine the latitude coordinate on which the data must be displayed.
  • rv_map_country_atrr: Used to determine the longitude coordinate on which the data must be displayed.
    • The rv_map_continent_atrr, rv_map_country_atrr, and rv_map_province_atrr are optional parameters that are only used to determine the most appropriate map type to be displayed.
    • rv_map_latitude_to, rv_map_longitude_to, and rv_map_directional_arrows are optional parameters which allow Supply lines to be plotted from therv_map_longitude and the rv_map_latitude to the rv_map_longitude_to, and the rv_map_latitude_to location, respectively.
      • The parameter is considered a location attribute.
      • The Supply line is displayed only if both the parameters are defined.
      • If therv_map_directional_arrows parameter is set to true, an arrow is displayed for the Supply line, indicating the direction for the Supply data. This is applicable only if the rv_map_latitude_to, and the rv_map_longitude_to parameters are defined.

Display Settings:

When the map is displayed in the worksheet panel below the pivot table:

  • The chart utilizes the available space after the pivot table, based on rv_pivot_size (pivot table size in pixels). If not defined, the pivot and chart are allocated equal space in the panel.
  • If the panel size is reduced, for example, in a multi-panel worksheet, the chart is hidden when the available space in the panel below the pivot table is less than rv_min_chart_size (minimum number of pixels to draw the chart). If rv_min_chart_size is not defined, the default value 0 is considered.
  • If the pivot table is not included (rv_pivot_hide = TRUE), the entire worksheet panel is used to display the chart. The available area retaining map proportions is used for the map and the rv_fit_panel parameter is ignored.

Functionality and conditions:

  • When the chart is used to plot the data for each location (rv_chart_rows are ignored):
    • The locations are displayed in the rows, and the values from the first or the selected column are considered.
    • The locations are displayed in the columns, and the values from the first or currently selected row are considered.
    • A location attribute that is applicable for more than one location, the values of all the measures for the locations are totaled and displayed for the appropriate country. The map can be used to only plot one set of values (either rows or columns).
    • If the location dimension is displayed in the slicers area, the map can only plot the specified location. By default, If you modify the location dimension in the slicers area, the map values are also updated.
  • Based on the defined map type (rv_map_type), the worksheet attempts to plot the data appropriately for these map types:
    • Map type = 0 Best fit rv_map. If you specify this map type, the rv_map_contintinet_attr, rv_map_country_attr, and rv_map_province_attr parameters are used to determine the most appropriate map. If these parameters are not populated, the map type defaults to map type 1 (World).
      • If only rv_map_continent_attr is specified, only the continents map chart can be displayed.
      • If only rv_map_country_attr is specified, only the world map can be displayed. Individual continent maps are not applicable as some countries are plotted on more than one continent map).
      • If both the parameters are defined, the most appropriate map is displayed. However, the rv_continent_attr must only contain a single continent to display the individual continent map. Otherwise, the countries map for the world is used.
    • Map type = 1 (world).
    • Map_type = 2 (world continents.
    • Map_type = 3-8 (individual continent maps).
    • Map_type = 9.
    • All the values are plotted on the chart, based on the specified coordinates. It is recommended that you specify practical coordinates, to ensure that values are plotted against actual landmarks (areas of land)..
    • By default, the chart is resized to plot the coordinates in the correct locations. Therefore, you must select the correct chart. For example, if you select the US map but one of the plotted data point for the geographical location is UK based, the map is resized to display the UK coordinate. However, the UK map is not displayed, but the coordinate is shown part of the sea in the map.
    • Values for locations that do not have co-ordinate attributes defined are grouped together, totaled, and displayed as part of the 'Other Locations', at the top of the chart.
  • Each data point is plotted as a bubble. The size of the bubble is proportional to the bubble value. For example, a data point of 1000, is greater than a data point of 50.
  • A color palette can be defined using the rv_color_palette. If rv_color_palette is not defined, the Azure color palette is used. However, if rv_measure_format is defined, the values in rv_color_palette are not considered
    • The rv_measure_format can be used to override the rv_color_palette values to determine the color variations in the map, using the highamber, highred, lowamber, lowred and highlightgreen parameters. For example:
      <Row name="[SOP_FBAISPER]">
      <Property name="format" value="0%" />
      <Property name="highamber" value="0.2" /> <Property name="highred" value="0.4" />
      <Property name="lowamber" value="-0.2" />
      <Property name="lowred" value="-0.4" />
      <Property name="highlightgreen" value="TRUE" /> </Row>
    • The locations are displayed in the appropriate colors for each parameter and a convergence of colors occurs for each boundary. For example, Red to Amber, Amber to Green, and Green to Red, to indicate the change in the boundary on the map. In the example, the highest values above 40% are marked in Dark Red, the lowest values below 40% are marked in a lighter shade of Red, gradually moving towards shades of Amber.
  • For each location, the data point of the coordinate is plotted on the map. If more than one location shares the same co-ordinate, these coordinates are plotted and stacked in the one top of the other format.
  • Coordinate attributes from aggregates must be defined and the value of the aggregate ID plotted on the map, according to the specified coordinate.
  • If the rv_pivot_hide = true, by default, the chart is displayed in the Slicers area. Use the rv_slicers_hide parameter, to hide the dimensions in the Slicers area.
  • If rv_map_show_title = true, the measure displayed is the title of the map.
  • A legend is not applicable for coordinate maps.
  • Move the pointer over a location, to display the tooltip that details the location and related value.
  • Set rv_map_show_labels = FALSE to hide data labels. Default value = TRUE.