Cycle period status

The statuses for a cycle period:

Status Description Status transitions
Pending The cycle period is created, but scenarios are not linked. Aborted, Running
Running The process is started, and the scenarios are available and can be modified. Aborted, Completed
Paused The process is paused, and the cycle period is temporarily unavailable. Running
Completed The process is completed. Therefore, for each implemented module, a published integration, supply, demand, finance scenario (plan) is available. None
Aborted The cycle period is aborted. None


When a cycle period is manually created or system generated, the status is set to Pending.

If the cycle period status is set to Pending:

  • Period structure and period dates (start and end) are generated for the cycle period. However, the plan configuration data is not versioned (locked).
  • The Next Period value of the Cycle is updated to the next chronological period in the calendar, based on the level set in the cycle Periodicity.
  • The Start Date of the Cycle Period is not defined.
  • The Available field is set to Unavailable and the creation of scenario or plan data occurs later.
  • For Cycle Periods with this status, it is possible to:
    • Start or abort
    • Edit the previous cycle period
    • View the process calendar, notes, and audit log


When a Pending cycle period is started, the status is set to Running.

If the status of the cycle period is set to Running:

  • Planning scenarios are linked and the scenario data is loaded based on the related initialization macros. Therefore, the Available field is set to Available for the scenario on the Scenarios details page, which enables the scenario in the worksheets, and can be modified.
  • Scenario processes are initiated.
  • The Available field in the Cycle Period details page is set to Available which indicates that the initialization steps and background processes cycle period are completed, and can be modified.
  • The Start Date of the cycle period is specified.
  • This configuration data is locked for the cycle period:
    • Cycle (definition)
    • Calendar
    • Measures
    • Calculation rules
    • Planning hierarchy
    • Workflow definition


You can pause a Cycle Period with the status Running to update the period data with the latest configuration data, such as new hierarchies, measures, code lists and so on.

To update a cycle period with the latest configuration data:

  1. Select Process > Cycle Period. The Cycle period list is displayed.
  2. Click the Details icon corresponding to the Cycle Period with status Running.
  3. Select Process > Pause on the Cycle Period Details tab.
  4. Select Process > Resume with Refresh to update the configuration data, and set the cycle period status to Running.
    Note: If you click Resume, the status is also changed to Running. However, the configuration data is not updated for the cycle period.

To pause a cycle period:

  • Ensure that the linked scenarios cannot be edited.
  • The cycle period status must be set to Running and the Available field is set to Available.

When the status of the cycle period is set to Paused:

  • Related processes for the current cycle period are also paused.
  • The Available field of the cycle period and the linked scenarios, is set to Not Available.
  • The cycle period is not available for selection in Data Context. If the current data context for a user contains an archived cycle period for any module, the entries are deleted, and new data context must be selected.
  • The Previous Cycle Period Details tab is not displayed.
  • Functions, such as executing macros and adding notes are still enabled for the cycle period, while some functions are disabled.
  • You cannot perform the actions such as Copy, Delete, Edit, Share, Save, Change Status, Execute Macro and Import, on the scenarios.
  • For scenarios that are linked to a paused cycle period, only some functions are enabled. For example, you can export scenario data, view scenario history, and add notes, but you cannot change a scenario's status, ensure that the scenario is editable, and so on.
  • The new configuration data is validated by the setup checker.


When the status of the scenarios for a cycle period is set to Published (which is usually controlled by the corresponding workflow definition) you can finalize and set the cycle period to Completed.

To complete a cycle period:

  • Linked scenarios must be not editable.
  • The status of at least one scenario must be approved. If an approved scenario status is changed to the Published status, the linked scenarios of other modules are also set to Published.

When the status of the cycle period is set to Completed:

  • The linked scenarios with the status WIP or Review are set to Aborted.
  • Existing scenario processes are canceled.
  • The actions such as Copy, Delete, Edit, Share, Save, Change Status, Execute Macro and Import cannot be performed for the linked scenario.
  • Linked tasks are canceled.
  • The published business plan data is made available for external applications.


When a Pending or Running cycle period is canceled, you can abort the period. Ensure that the scenario data is not editable.

To abort a cycle period:

  1. Select Process > Cycle Period > Cycle Period Details.
  2. Click Process > Abort on the Cycle Period Details tab.
  3. Specify the reason for aborting the cycle period in the Reason field.
    Note: Optionally, you can select the Restart Cycle Period option to create a cycle period with the same dates and label as the current period, but with the status set to Pending and the cycle process workflow definitions regenerated.
  4. Click OK.

When the status of the cycle period is set to Aborted:

  • Existing workflow definitions for the current cycle period are aborted.
  • The actions such as Copy, Delete, Edit, Share, Save, Change Status, Execute Macro and Import cannot be performed for the linked scenario.
  • If linked scenarios are editable, the changes made to the scenarios are discarded.
  • Linked scenarios with the status WIP or Review are set to Stopped
  • Running cycle process calendar events and scenario processes are canceled.
  • On the Audit Log page, an entry is created based on your reason for aborting the cycle period.