CopyScenario macro

The CopyScenario macro is used to create a scenario with the specified name and copies all data from the source scenario. This macro is executed at the cycle period level.
For executing the macro, the value must be specified in this format:
CopyScenario(Name, Source Scenario Name, Module, [workflow], [status])
Note: The optional parameters are specified in [ ].
This table lists the parameters that are used to determine the scenario to be copied, and the data for the new scenario such as name, workflow, and status:
Parameter Name Description
Name A unique name within the specified module for the new scenario.
Source Scenario Name The source scenario name to be copied.
Module The module in which the scenario is copied.
Workflow The workflow for the new scenario.
Note: If this value is not specified, the source scenario workflow is considered.
Status The status for the new scenario.
Note: If not specified, the value is set to WIP.
This table lists the examples of the CopyScenario macro:
Requirement Syntax
Copy scenario "Baseline" in Demand module to a new scenario called "Upside" within the same module, and using the original workflow, setting the status to WIP. CopyScenario("Upside","Baseline","Demand","","")
Copy scenario "Baseline" in Integrated module to a new scenario called "New Baseline" setting the status to WIP and assigning the scenario with a new workflow "Review". CopyScenario("New Baseline","Baseline","Integrated","Integrated Scenario","Review").