Validation and execution
The selected Market Intelligence measures are copied on successful validation and execution of the macro. These are the validation rules:
- Matching of item, location, period and measure is based on the name of the element, as code lists, hierarchies or configuration versions can differ.
- Source nodes or elements that are not matched (for item, location, period or measure) must be reported in a discard log, based on interface services.
- Source and Destination Measures must be of Market Intelligence type.
- Only complete MI Events can be copied:
- The start date and end date of Events must be within the defined period (at the destination cycle period if "Use Destination hierarchies" is True, or at the Source cycle period if "Use destination hierarchies" is False).
- Item and location elements at the Event level (aggregate level) which are attributed to the Event must exist at the source and destination.
- Only valid MI Events (determined by the status and if in Editable Scenario whether the current user is part of the share) can be copied.
- When copying Events, these key data are also copied:
- The MI Event details, including the period spread information.
- The Note created for the Event.
- The MI Event spreads the MI based on the Base Element
Spreading options stored for this MI Event. Base Spreading measure is used
for item and location spreading and if Use for Period
Spreading option is checked, this measure is also used to spread to base
periods, else the Cycle Period Spread Measure is used to spread to base periods.Note:
- The new or discarded items/locations are also considered.
- Ratios of spreading is based on the latest current measure values, if required.
- Events must be copied based on the creation date. This process assists in maintaining the integrity of the Events and subsequently the spreaded values.
- The Event information is copied as follows:
- Net Forecast Measure is updated with the Net Forecast associated with the destination MI Measure.
- The User is copied as string to the new Event; no validation of the user is performed.
- The Date, Original Net Value and Original MI Value remain same as the Original MI Event.
- Share Across Periods: If a Profile is selected, the profile is copied as a string; no validation is carried out.
- Base Elements spread Measure: The measure is matched based on the name and the validation is performed to ensure that the measure exists at the destination.
- Use for Period Spreading: The value of the switch is copied to the destination.
- This table lists the result of Event information at destination after copying:
Original Event Result in Destination Event Source MI Measure Destination MI Measure Net Forecast Measure The Net Forecast Measure referenced in the Destination MI Measure. Item Same as Original Event Location Same as Original Event Reference Same as Original Event Status Same as Original Event Start Period Same as Original Event Number of Periods Same as Original Event Start Period Same as Original Event Number of Periods Same as Original Event Profile Same as Original Event (Copied as a string - no validation required) Current Net Value Same as Original Event Current MI Value Same as Original Event MI Calculation Method Same as Original Event MI Value Same as Original Event UpLift Same as Original Event Downturn Same as Original Event Share Across Periods Same as Original Event (if Profile is selected, no validation occurs for the profile name; the Profile is copied as a string)
Actual Values are also copied to the destination.
Base Elements Spread The methodology used is same as the Original Event which uses the selected measure and either this measure or the Cycle Period Spread measure based on the selected option. The base elements spread is however re-calculated based on the current values of MI/net forecast or the New or modified Market Intelligence Measure configuration. Use for Period Spread Same as Original Event (unless configuration has changed) Period Share Retained as per the source Event. Base Element Spread values Recalculated on copying the Event, and uses the latest values within the related measures.
- The Note is copied as follows:
- The values for Cycle, Cycle Period, Scenario, Measure and Module are updated with the new destination information.
- The values for Summary, Note Type, Date, Priority, Format, Item, Period, Location, Include in playbook and Details are updated with the existing notes information.
- User is updated with the string value; no validation is performed.
- This table lists the result of Note information at destination after copying:
Original Event Result in Destination Event Summary Same as Original Event Note Type Same as Original Event Cycle Destination Cycle Cycle Period Destination Cycle Scenario Destination Cycle Date Same as Original Event User Same as Original Event (No validation is performed for user id and is copied as string value. Priority Same as Original Event Measure Destination MI Measure Module Destination Module Format Log (same as Original Event) Worksheet Same as Original Event Item Same as Original Event Location Same as Original Event Include in Playbook Same as Original Event Detailed Notes Same as Original Event Note:- The Note is copied only if the Note Type exists at the destination.
- If the Note Type is not available at the destination, the Event and measure are copied and an Audit Log message is logged to indicate that the note could not be copied.
This table lists the status of Events at the Source Scenario which can be copied:
Status | Editable Source Scenario (user is part of share) | Editable Source Scenario (user is not part of share) | Read only Source Scenario |
Pending | Copied (Set as Approved in destination) | Not Copied | N/A |
Approved | Copied | Copied | Copied |
Pending Delete | Not Copied | Copied (Set as Approved in destination) | N/A |
This table lists the status of the Spreading Measures used when copying Events:
Source | Destination (Spread Measure does exist at destination) | Destination (Spread Measure does not exist at destination) |
Spread Measure | Use Source Spread Measure (in Event) | Use the Spread Measure defined in the destination MI Configuration |
Use for Period Spreading | Use the value used for Source Event | Use the value defined in the destination MI Configuration |