Validation of Planning Engine interface service

This table lists the validation checks and the related messages logged during the import or export process:
Planning engine interface type Field name Message
All Planning Engine Definition Planning Engine Definition is required for Interface service {0}.
All Planning Engine Type The Planning Engine 'Type' is required for Interface service {0}.
All Planning Engine Primary Class (where type = Resource Master Data or Planning Data) The Planning Engine 'Primary Class' is required for Interface service {0}.
All Mapping Planning Engine Field A 'Planning Engine Field' is not specified for interface service {0}
All Mapping Field Label A 'Field Label' for 'Planning Engine Field' {0} is not specified for interface service {1}
CSV or Excel Mapping Field Label Unable to save Interface Service {0}. A Planning Engine mapping contains an invalid field label. An integer value equal or greater than zero is required.
Variable Mapping Planning Engine Field Both Name And Value are required fields for Interface Service {0}
Variable Interface Direction Interface service {0} contains an invalid direction. Only direction "Import" is allowed for Planning Engine interface of type Variable.
Calendar Mapping Planning Engine Field Invalid mapping for Interface Service {0} of type Calendar. Either Start and End or Start and Duration are required mappings.
Calendar Mapping Planning Engine Field Invalid mapping for Interface Service {0} of type Calendar. Bucket Name is a required mapping
Calendar Interface Direction Interface service {0} contains an invalid direction. Only direction "Import" is allowed for Planning Engine interface of type Calendar.
Resource Master Data Mapping Planning Engine Field is a Required Mapping for Interface Service {0} of type Resource Master Data
Resource Master Data Interface Direction Interface service {0} contains an invalid direction. Only direction "Import" is allowed for Planning Engine interface of type Resource Master Data.
Planning Data Mapping Planning Engine Field is a Required Mapping for Interface Service {0} of type Planning Data and Direction = Import
Planning Data Mapping Planning Engine Field Bucket is a Required Mapping for Import Interface Service {0} of type Planning Data
Planning Data Mapping Field Label Unable to save Interface Service {0}. The Planning Engine mapping with field label {1} is not unique. Each field label must be unique where Direction=Export.
Planning Data Interface Direction Interface service {0} contains an invalid Interface Direction. Only "Import" or "Export" is allowed for Planning Engine interface of type Planning Data.
Planning Data Mapping Field Label The 'Field Label' of Export Constants {0} is duplicated with a 'Field Label' in Planning Engine Mapping for Interface Service {1}.