Viewing multi-panel plansheet
The individual plansheets can be viewed and linked to another plansheet (if applicable) by clicking in the cell or using the Open Detail option from the right-click menu. If a plansheet is linked to another plansheet, the destination plansheet is displayed in the designated panel (or refreshed if already open) passing the defined resource, period, or property values.
- You must use the Editable cells. The Editable cells can be identified by the values displayed in the underlined cells. option from the right-click menu, for
- You can click in the appropriate cell or use the Readonly cells. option from the right-click menu for
The linked panels can be closed, updated, or opened based on the Tab options defined for the Source Panel and the selected Source Property. The security restrictions applicable to the plansheets are not considered when viewing the plansheets within a multi-panel. For example:
- The option creates a new tab in the destination panel with the new plansheet context.
- The option refreshes the destination panel if displayed or opens a new tab for the corresponding panel if the plansheet is not displayed.
- The option closes the plansheet in the destination panel if displayed.
The Resource, Property, and Period values are passed to the new plansheet or panel if the values are defined in the panel link to be passed.
The Resource context of the destination planning engine plansheet can be derived in multiple methods and in the following order of precedence:
- If the On and the associated Resource field is populated in the panel link for the selected source panel, the expression is passed to the destination plansheet. is
- If the On and the associated Resource field is not populated in the panel link for the selected source panel, the selected Resource is passed. is
- If the Off, the destination panel uses the resource defined in the rv_resource_passed parameter for the destination plansheet. is
The Period context of the destination planning engine plansheet can be derived in multiple methods and in the following order of precedence:
- If the On and the associated Period field is populated in the panel link for the selected source panel, the expression is passed to the destination plansheet. is
- If the On and the associated Period field is not populated in the panel link for the selected source panel, the selected Period is passed. is
- If the Off and the rv_period_passed parameter is defined in the destination plansheet, the specified periods are used. is
- If the Off and the rv_period_passed parameter is not defined in the destination plansheet, all periods available in the Planning Engine are used. is
The Property context of the destination planning engine plansheet can be derived in multiple methods and in the following order of precedence:
- If the On and the associated Property field is populated in the panel link for the selected source panel, the expression is passed to the destination Planning Engine plansheet. is
- If the On and the associated Property field is not populated in the panel link for the selected source panel, the selected Property is passed. is
- If the Off and the rv_property_passed parameter is defined in the destination plansheet, the specified properties are used. is
- If the Off and the rv_property_passed parameter is not defined in the destination plansheet, all properties available in the Planning Engine are used. is
- The properties that cannot be determined are not considered which enables the destination panel to load without error.
- An error message with the relevant details is displayed if the standalone plansheet or panel cannot be loaded.