Validating custom calendar periods
The validation checks for a custom calendar definition:
When the periods of a custom calendar are modified, background processes validate the calendar. These checks are executed for the calendar:
- No duplicate data is available in the calendar. For example, the name, level IDs, and attributes must be unique.
- A code list must be specified and linked to the custom calendar.
- A period start attribute and end attribute must be specified in the code list and linked to the custom calendar.
- At least one custom calendar period level must be specified.
- Attributes must be specified in the code list and linked to the relevant custom calendar period level.
- Period labels in the code list can be up to 20 alphanumeric characters, excluding the restricted characters [ ] \ / : * ? " < > | <"TAB"> <"LF"> <"CR">.
- Period names in the code list must be unique within the period hierarchy. For example, do not specify a month as "Jan", you must also include the year to distinguish between Jan 2011 and Jan 2012.
- The required date format for start and end date in the code list is yyyy-mm-dd.
- For custom calendar, period elements must be defined in the linked code list.
- A defined period element must exist for all the specified attributes of the calendar. Orphans (elements that are not valid) are not allowed.
- The calendar must contain contiguous period elements between the start and end date of the base level, so all consecutive periods are present.
- The calendar must contain periods that are contiguous but do not overlap. All defined periods must be unique.
Check failures
If the validation check fails for the calendar:
- View the details of the error on the Audit Log page.
- The calendar is displayed with the status as Invalid on the Calendar page.
- The creation of a new cycle period for the calendar is prevented. A check setup message is displayed on the Setup Checker page.