Chart parameters
Field | Name | Default | Description |
rv_chart_export_size | Chart Export Size | 600:400 |
The size of the chart image, in pixels, when exporting the plansheet to PDF or Excel. The embedded chart is a static image and cannot be edited, after export. Specified as two numbers in the format <width>:<height>. If not specified and a plansheet with chart data is exported, the default value of 600:400 is considered. |
rv_chart_number | Chart Type | 0 |
The type of chart displayed below the pivot area. 0 or not defined = No Chart. 1 = Column chart (vertical bars) 2 = Line chart 3 = Pie chart 4 = Area chart 5 = Bar chart (horizontal bars) 6 = Map (heat) chart 7 = Gauge chart 8 = Funnel chart 9 = Map (co-ordinate) chart You can override these values for a specific property, using the chart number property in the rv_property_format parameter. |
rv_chart_rows | Chart Rows | TRUE | Indicates if the chart is based on rows or columns; TRUE= chart is based on data from the elements used to create the left dimensions (rows), FALSE = chart is based on data from the elements used to create the top dimensions (columns) . When not defined, Default = TRUE. When charting rows, each combination on the left dimension is a series in the chart, either a separate bar, line, area, or a separate slice, or a stacked section. Each combination of elements on the top dimension creates categories on the X-Axis. When the chart row = FALSE, this is reverted and each combination on the top dimension is a series in the chart, with the elements on the left representing the X-Axis categories. |
rv_fit_panel | Fit to Panel | TRUE | Used to determine if the chart must fit the available panel width (=TRUE), or use the default sizing, with optional scrollbars; to view the axes categories (=FALSE). Not applicable where chart type = 3, 7 or 8 (Pie, Chart, or Gauge). Fit to panel is always true (rv_fit_panel is ignored), when displaying a chart in 3D. |
rv_legend_position | Legend Position | 1 |
Indicates the position of the chart legend (key) in relation to the chart area. 0 = None 1 = Left 2 = Right 3 = Top 4 = Bottom 5 = Data Label (Only applicable when rv_chart_number = 3 (Pie chart) and 8 (Funnel). The data is displayed on chart and not a legend. When not defined, Default = 1 (Left). |
rv_pivot_hide | Hide Pivot | FALSE | Used to determine if the pivot table area must be hidden (=TRUE) and only the chart area is displayed or if the pivot area must also be displayed (=FALSE). Only applicable if rv_chart_number > 0, otherwise the pivot area is always displayed. When not defined, Default = FALSE. |
rv_pivot_size | Pivot Size | None | Indicates the size of the pivot table area (in pixels) in the current panel and the remaining area in which the chart is displayed. Applicable if a chart is displayed (rv_chart_number > 0), otherwise the pivot table is not drawn in the panel area. If rv_pivot_size is not defined, the space is allotted equally between the pivot and chart. |
rv_stacked_type | Stacked Type | None |
Indicates if the series on the chart are separate (None), stacked, or a stacked percentage up to 100%.
The parameter can be used with the chart type to generate stacked or 100% stacked versions of all the chart types. However, this parameter is ignored if the chart type is a Pie chart. Default = 0 (None); when not defined, a separate series is displayed. |
rv_x_label_Type | X-Axis Label Type | 1 |
Used to determine the type of X-Axis labels to be displayed for the chart.
When not defined, Default = 1. |
rv_y_label_hide | Hide Y-Axis Labels | FALSE | Used to determine if the Y-Axis labels must be displayed or not on the chart (=TRUE), displayed (=FALSE). When not defined, Default = FALSE. |
rv_map_hide_nullareas | Hide Zero resources | FALSE | Indicates whether a resource with zero values must be hidden from the map (TRUE), or always displayed irrespective of value. The default value is FALSE. This is only applicable when rv_chart_number is set to 6 (Map (Heat) chart). |
rv_single_tooltip | Display single Tooltip | TRUE |
Used to determine if the tooltips for the charts must be displayed as a single point tooltip or a shared tooltip, for all elements on the axis. When not defined, Default = TRUE Only applicable when rv_chart_number = 1,2,4,5. For other charts, only single tooltip is displayed. |
rv_pie_style | Pie chart style | 0 |
Indicates the pie chart style such as standard pie, donut pie chart or semicircle donut pie chart.
When not defined, Default = 0. Only applicable when rv_chart_number = 3. |
rv_chart_3d | Display chart in 3D | FALSE |
Indicates if the applicable charts must be displayed in 3D.When not defined, Default = FALSE. Only applicable for rv_chart_number 1, 3, 5. If rv_chart_number = 3 (pie chart), the 3D style is only applicable when the rv_pie_style = 0 or 1. If rv_pie_style = 2, rv_chart_3d is not considered. When displaying a 3D chart, fit to panel is assumed TRUE (any value within rv_fit_panel is ignored). |
rv_gauge_style | Gauge Chart Style | 0 | Indicates the gauge chart style (Solid Gauge or Angular Gauge). If not defined, 0 = Solid, Gauge 1 = Angular Gauge, and Default = 0 (Solid). Only applicable when rv_chart_number = 7 (gauge). |