Chart Filter parameters

This table lists the chart filter parameters applicable for the Plan Data report:
Field Name Default Description
rv_property_graphhide Properties Hidden on Graph None The list of properties that must not be displayed on the graph when the plansheet is uploaded. This is a subset of rv_property_passed parameter. A single element [element1] or a set in the form {[element1],[element2]} is required. Supports MDX definition for the set. If not defined, all the properties for the rv_property_passed are displayed. To view the property that is displayed on the legend but not on the graph, you must select the property on the legend.
Note: Properties that are not available in the Planning Engine are not considered.
rv_y_1_min First Y-Axis Minimum null

Indicates the minimum start value to be displayed for the first y-axis. Where values fall below the specified minimum value, the values are plotted on the minimum axis point. If undefined, automatic scaling is used. Only applicable where rv_chart_number = 1, 2, 4, or 5 (Column, Line, Area, Bar)

Default = null (automatic scaling)

rv_y_2_min Second Y-Axis Minimum null

Indicates the minimum start value to be displayed for the second y-axis. Where values fall below the specified minimum value, the values are plotted on the minimum axis point. If undefined, automatic scaling is used. Only applicable where rv_chart_number = 1, 2, 4, or 5 (Column, Line, Area, Bar).

Default = null (automatic scaling)

rv_y_percent_min Percentage Y-Axis Minimum null

Indicates the minimum start value to be displayed for the percentage y-axis. Where values fall below the specified minimum value, the values are plotted on the minimum axis point. If undefined, automatic scaling is used. Only applicable where rv_chart_number = 1, 2, 4, or 5 (Column, Line, Area, Bar).

Default = null (automatic scaling)

rv_map_latitude_to Supply Destination latitude null Indicating the Supply Destination latitude co-ordinate that are used to determine the destination location of supply line (from the current co-ordinate). This is an optional parameter which is only available when rv_chart_type = 9 (Map - Co-ordinates) is used. This must be a Resource attribute. This value must be specified in the R:attr1 format. This is only valid if the rv_map_latitude_to parameter is also populated, else not considered.
rv_map_longitude_to Supply Destination longitude null Indicating the Supply Destination longitude co-ordinate that are used to determine the destination location of supply line (from the current co-ordinate). This must be a resource attribute. This value must be specified in the R:attr1 format. This is an optional parameter which is available only when rv_chart_type = 9 (Map - Co-ordinates) is used. This is only valid if the rv_map_latitude_to parameter is also populated, else not considered.
rv_map_directional_arrows Show Supply Direction TRUE Indicates the direction of the supply (TRUE) using the supply line arrow. This is applicable only when co-ordinate map is used and the rv_map_latitude_to and rv_map_longitude_to are populated, else not considered. The default value is TRUE.