Examples of measure formats
When you create or edit a worksheet wherein the Report=Pivot and the Measure Formats (rv_measure_format) parameter is added, the paramater value is displayed in the format of an XML table.
- format
- highamber
- highred
- lowamber
- lowred
- highlightgreen
- kpisize
- total
- blankrow
- chartnumber
- secondaxis
- trendmeasure
- mingaugeaxis
- maxgaugeaxis
Format and conditional example:
SOP_ERRPER: 0%, Amber >= 20%, Red >= 40%. SOP_FMAPE: 0%, Amber >= 20%, Red >= 40%. SOP_FBIASPER: 0%, Amber >= 20%, <= -20%, Red >= 40%, <= -40%:
<Row name="[SOP_ERRPER]"><Property name="format" value="0%" />
<Property name="highamber" value="0.2" /><Property name="highred" value="0.4" /></Row>
<Row name="[SOP_FMAPE]"><Property name="format" value="0%" />
<Property name="highamber" value="0.2" /><Property name="highred" value="0.4" /></Row>
<Row name="[SOP_FBAISPER]"><Property name="format" value="0%" /><Property name="highamber" value="0.2" />
<Property name="highred" value="0.4" /><Property name="lowamber" value="-0.2" /><Property name="lowred" value="-0.4" /></Row>
KPI example:
SOP_FMAPEKPI: format = KPI, size=equal, type=icon. SOP_FOUTLOOK: format = KPI, size=proportional.
<Row name="[SOP_FMAPEKPI]"><Property name="format" value="KPI" /><Property name="kpisize" value="equal" />
<Property name="kpitype" value="icon" /><Property name="highamber" value="0.2" /><Property name="highred" value="0.4" /></Row> <Row name="[SOP_FOUTLOOK]"><Property name="format" value="KPI" /><Property name="kpisize" value="proportional" />
<Property name="kpitype" value="icon" /></Row>
Total and blank row example:
SOP_FMAPEKPI: Total = True and InsertBlank =True
<Row name="[SOP_FMAPEKPI]"><Property name="Total" value="TRUE" /><Property name="InsertBlank" value="TRUE" /></Row>
Trend measure example:
The main chart type is set to Gauge (7) SOP_ERRPER plotted as gauge and measure SOP_TREND_ERRPER plotted as a Trend arrow next to the SOP_ERRPER measure:
<Row name="[SOP_ERRPER]"><Property name="format" value="0%" /><Property name="highamber" value="0.2" />
<Property name="highred" value="0.4" /><Property name="highlightgreen" value="TRUE" />
<Property name="charttype" value="7" /><Property name="trendmeasure" value="SOP_TREND_ERRPER" /></Row>
Minimum and maximum gauge axis example:
The main chart type is set to Gauge (7) the user can specify the minimum and maximum levels of the gauge:
<Row name="[SOP_ERRPER]"><Property name="format" value="0%" /><Property name="highamber" value="0.2" />
<Property name="highred" value="0.4" /><Property name="highlightgreen" value="TRUE" />
<Property name="charttype" value="7" /><Property name="mingaugeaxis" value="0" /> <Property name="mingaugeaxis" value="0.5" /></Row>