
This table lists the MultiPanel plansheet status and the related validation messages:
Condition Message
Panel name is unique The multipanel plansheet {0} contains a duplicate panel name {1}
Layout ID used in panel does not exist The multipanel plansheet {0} contains a panel {1} with a layout that cannot be found.
Destination panel exists The multipanel plansheet {0} contains a destination panel {1} that cannot be found.
Source panel exists The multipanel plansheet {0} contains a source panel {1} that cannot be found.
Plansheet defined in panels exists The multipanel plansheet {0} contains a panel {1} with a plansheet that cannot be found.
At least one layout defined The multipanel plansheet {0} must have at least one layout defined.
At least one panel defined The multipanel plansheet {0} must have at least one panel defined.
Panels defined in plansheet parameters exist The multipanel plansheet {0} contains a plansheet parameter for a panel {1} that cannot be found.
Maximum of 4 layout rows Cannot add more than 4 rows to plansheet
Plansheet name is unique Cannot save plansheet with name [name] because the name already exists
Total column width for a row is 100% The multi-panel plansheet {0} contains a row whose width does not equal 100%
Panel override name is unique The multipanel plansheet {0} contains a duplicate panel override name {1}
Unique panel link override The multipanel plansheet {0} contains a duplicate panel link override Source Panel {1}, Source Property {2} and Destination Panel {3}.
Unique Panel link needed when creating panel link overrides The multipanel plansheet {0} contains a panel link override with Source Panel {1}, Source Property {2} and Destination Panel {3}. Unable to create panel link override as there are multiple corresponding panel links
User defines a panel in the plansheet parameter overrides which does not exist The multipanel plansheet {0} contains a plansheet parameter for a panel {1} that cannot be found.
When creating plansheet parameter overrides a none unique Panel and Name is entered. The multipanel plansheet {0} contains a duplicate plansheet parameter override Panel {1} and Name {2}.