Set Calendar Range

This command sets the planning horizon to start at start_bucket with the length specified for number_of_buckets. The value of 1 for start_bucket represents the first bucket in the calendar.

Set Calendar Range: <start_bucket>, <number_of_buckets>;

This table list the arguments that are used in the Set Calendar command:

Argument Description
start_bucket First bucket to select, where 1 represents the first bucket in the calendar.
number_of_buckets Number of buckets to select from the start_bucket.
Log Message

This message is logged to indicate the applicable planning horizon, on successful completion:

APACS174=Planning horizon set to start at bucket index {0}, horizon length: {1}

Where, {0} = start bucket index (1 = first bucket)

{1} = number of buckets in the horizon

This table lists the exception conditions and the related error message (if applicable) during the execution of the command:

Exception condition Message Level

If start bucket is outside of the calendar range, an error is reported, and the planning horizon is not changed.

APACS119=Bucket index {0} is not within the calendar range.

{0} = Start bucket index.


If number of buckets extends beyond the end of the calendar, the planning horizon is applicable up to the last bucket in the calendar.



If start bucket is 0, the planning horizon begins at the first bucket, and a warning message is reported (AP11 Compatibility).

APACS119=Bucket index {0} is not within the calendar range.

{0} = Start bucket index (0).


If number of buckets is not greater than zero, an error is reported, and the planning horizon is not changed.

APACS145=Invalid value for horizon length argument {0}.  Must be greater than 0.

{0} = Value of the length argument.


Both arguments must be valid numbers.

APACS118=Invalid number "{0}"

{0} = Value of the argument, which is not a valid number.


If start bucket is negative, an error is reported and the planning horizon is not changed.

APACS119=Bucket index {0} is not within the calendar range.

{0} = Start bucket index.


This table lists the examples of the Set Calendar Range command:

Requirement Syntax

Set the planning horizon to the first bucket in the calendar as the planning horizon.

Set Calendar Range: 1, 1;

Set the planning horizon to 5 buckets, starting from the second bucket (bucket numbers 2 through 6).

Set Calendar Range: 2, 5;

Given a calendar with 10 buckets, this syntax sets the planning horizon to the last 2 buckets (bucket numbers 8 through 10).

Set Calendar Range: 8, 5;

This message is logged:

APACS174=Planning horizon set to start at bucket index 8, horizon length: 2

Given a calendar with 10 buckets, this syntax fails because the start_bucket argument is beyond the calendar range.

Set Calendar Range: 11, 1;

This error message is logged and Planning horizon is not changed:

APACS119=Bucket index 11 is not within the calendar range.