Mappings tab
- Planning Engine Field
- The planning engine fields to be mapped in the interface. This value varies based on the
planning engine Type. Possible scenarios:
If the planning engine Type is set to Calendar, these values are displayed:
- Bucket Description
- Bucket Start Date
- Bucket End Date
- Bucket Duration
Note:- You can add or remove mappings if required.
- You must define the Bucket Start Date and Bucket Duration, or the Bucket Start Date and End Date.
If the planning engine Type is set to Variables, these values are displayed:
- Name
- Value
Note:- The planning engine fields are predefined and cannot be removed.
You cannot include other planning engine fields.
If the planning engine Type is set to Resource Master Data, you can add Attributes and Default Properties of the primary class or the class and name of related parent classes.
Note:- The default properties can be identified by the (*).
- The primary is pre-populated to the Mapping list when a new interface of is created.
- The Planning Engine Field is the combination of the class and the attribute or default property. For example, Products.Name.
If the planning engine Type is set to Planning Data and Direction is set to Import, you can add Planning Engine fields for the primary class name and the name attribute of the related parent classes. You can also add properties from the primary class.
Note:- The primary is pre-populated on the Mappings list with an associated allocation when a new import interface is created.
- Bucket is required for Planning data when Direction is set to Import.
- The bucket in which the data is stored after the import is based on the Bucket date imported.
- The Planning Engine Field is the combination of the Class and the Name or Property, separated by a period. For example, Products.Name.
If the planning engine Type is set to Planning Data and Direction is set to Export, you can also add attributes of the related parent class.
Note:- You can specify Bucket.Start, Bucket.End, and Bucket.Name during export.
- The Planning Engine Field is the combination of the Class and the Name or Property, separated by a period. For example, Products.Name.
- Field Label
- The column number in the CSV file used in the interface service to be mapped to the
specified Planning Engine Field.Note: You can specify a value greater than or equal to zero when Interface Type is set to CSV.