Defining cycles - Archive Settings tab

The Archive Settings tab enables you to archive the completed or aborted cycle periods and also allows to delete the archive cycle periods automatically. Automatic archiving (if enabled) occurs on starting of a new cycle period. Once archived, the Cycle Period Available flag is set to Archive. If the current data context for a user contains an archived cycle period for a module, the entries are deleted, and new data context must be selected.

The archived cycle periods are not available for selection within the Data Context for any modules. In case the user manually restores a cycle period prior to the automatic archive process, the cycle period is available until a new cycle period is started for that cycle.

You must specify this information to enable the archive settings:
Automatically archive Completed or Aborted cycle periods
Indicates, if the Completed or Aborted cycle periods must be archived automatically for this cycle.
Note: By default, this field is set to Off.
Number of Cycle Periods to Retain
The number of cycle periods prior to the current cycle period that must be retained when archiving the completed or aborted cycle periods.
  • This option is enabled only if the Automatically archive Completed or Aborted cycle periods option is set to On.
  • The value must be an integer > = 0.
  • If this value is set as ‘0’, only the current running cycle period is retained.
  • You can manually archive a cycle period or restore an archived cycle period on the Cycle Periods page.
Automatically Delete Archived Cycle Periods
Indicates, if the archived cycle periods are automatically deleted for this cycle.
Note: By default, this value is set to Off.
Number of Archived cycle periods to retain
The number of archived cycle periods that are retained.
  • This option is enabled only if the Automatically delete Archived Cycle Period option is set to On.
  • The value must be an integer > = 0.
  • If this value is set as ‘0’, no archived cycle period is retained.