CallForecastEngine macro
This supports the generation of forecasts for the selected item/location at the base-level or a grouped forecast for the selection with output prorated to the appropriate level to store scenario values. This macro is executed at scenario level.
For executing the macro, the value of the Command field must be specified in this format:
Engine Name, [Algorithm], [Spreading Measure Code], [Item Hierarchy level], [Item Hierarchy selection], [Location Hierarchy level], [Location Hierarchy selection], [SMP Measure], [Optimize], [Filter]
This table lists the parameters used in the macro:
Parameter Name | Description |
Engine Name | The name of the forecast engine to call. The engine determines the
type of engine and the default settings. Note: This parameter must be defined for the current cycle and
Algorithm | The algorithm used in the forecast generation process. Possible
Period Constant Spread Measure |
The measure code to be used as a spreading factor for storing scenario values, replacing the Period Constant Spread Measure in the engine, where the calculated item or location is not the level to store scenario values. Null spreading measure = default specified in Forecast Engine Settings. Note: Spreading to base periods uses the engine's Time-Phased Spread Measure, if
specified, or the cycle's period spread measure is used.
Item hierarchy level | The level (from the item hierarchy) at which the forecast engine
generates the forecasts. Note: If not specified, the default value from the Forecast Engine
Settings is used.
Item hierarchy selection | The base elements at the Item hierarchy level to determine the
item selection. The value is passed as a node. For example, ‘Brand A’. Note:
Location hierarchy level | The level (from the location hierarchy) at which the forecast
engine generates the forecasts. Note: If not specified, the default value from the Forecast Engine
Settings is used.
Location hierarchy selection | The base elements at the Location hierarchy level to determine
the location selection. The value is passed as a node. For example, ‘EMEA’. Note:
Optimize | Indicates, optimization process of the forecast engine. Possible
Time-Phased Spread Measure |
Indicates the measure to be used when spreading forecast engine results to period. Null Time-Phased Spread Measure = default specified in Forecast Engine Settings. Note: If
default Time-Phased Spread Measure is not defined, the Cycle’s Period Spread Measure
is used.
Filter | The filter criteria that is applicable for the selected item and
location (at period constant (PCONST)) at the specified Item and Location hierarchy
level. Note:
See, Filter Parameter syntax.
On macro execution, if the item or location hierarchy selection parameters
use the %itemcontext%
or %locationcontext%
syntax and the
data context is using My Selections. A check is performed to ensure that the Item or Location
hierarchy level (specified in the macro or derived from the engine) is at the base level of
the hierarchy used in the My Selection, as specified in the Cycle. If the level is not at
Base, the macro fails and this message is reported:
Forecast Generation cannot be executed. Item Level must be set to the base level of the Hierarchy used in the My Selection, specified in the Cycle. Location Level must be set to the base level of the Hierarchy used in the My Selection, specified in the Cycle.
syntax in the item hierarchy selection and location
hierarchy selection parameters.When BEST algorithm is used, the macro call the forecast engine with fitModelPickingAlgorithm() which allows the engine to fit using the algorithm with the lowest decision criteria. The selected algorithm is returned as output.
When the algorithms other than BEST, fitModelGivenAlgorithm() is used for calling the forecast engine.
This table lists the examples of the CallForecastEngine macro:
Requirement | Syntax |
Call ‘Test Engine’ passing all the default engine settings and calculating for all items and locations. Results are spread using the default spreading measure. | CallForecastEngine("Test Engine") |
Call ‘BATS engine’, using the default engine algorithm, for valid SKU-level items under the Brand A node in the item hierarchy, for Customer-level locations under the US node in the location hierarchy. No spreading is required as the specified levels are equal to the level for storing scenario values. | CallForecastEngine("BATS engine","","","SKU","Brand A","Customer","US") |
Call ‘BATS engine’, using the default engine algorithm, for the aggregated node Brand A in the item hierarchy, for the aggregated Region node US in the location hierarchy. Uses the Spread measure defined in Engine (TUPLE_EXISTS) to spread results to the base item and location Cycle.level to store scenario values. | CallForecastEngine("BATS Engine","","","Brand","Brand A","Region","US") |
Call ‘New Engine’, passing the LEASTSQUARES algorithm, spreading results to base items and locations via TUPLE_EXISTS measure (as defined in the Forecast Engine), calculating all Product Groups and all Regions at monthly calendar level (as specified by the engine's period level). | CallForecastEngine("New Engine","LeastSquares","","Product Groups","","Regions","","","") |
Call ‘Best Fit’, passing the Best (Picking) algorithm, spreading results via Spreading Measure defined in Engine, calculating all Product Groups and all Regions. Parameter optimization is done prior to selecting the algorithm and generating the forecast. | CallForecastEngine("Best Fit","BEST","","Product Groups","","Regions","","","TRUE") |
Call "Best engine", using the default engine algorithm, for the aggregated node Brand A in the item hierarchy, for the aggregated Region node US in the location hierarchy. Filter the item@location resultant selection based on DPLS_FMISSINGFORECAST = 0 at pconst for the selected levels. This selection will then have a forecast generated and uses the spread measure defined in the engine to spread results to the base item and location Cycle.level to store scenario values. | CallForecastEngine("Best Engine","","","Brand","Brand A","Region","US","","","","","[DPLS_FMISSINGFORECAST] = 0") |
Validations are performed when you execute the macro. If any of the validation fails, the macro is aborted, and the related error message is displayed.
This table lists the Scenario Macro commands as compared to the Cycle Period/Scenario status and validation messages:
Cycle Period Status | Scenario Status | Can Execute? | Validation Message |
Pending | N/A | No | Cannot run macro {0} because Cycle Period has status ‘Pending’ |
Running | WIP | Yes | N/A |
Running | Review, Rejected, Stopped, Approved, Published | No | Cannot run macro {0} because Scenario has status {1} |
Paused | Any | No | Cannot run macro {0} because Cycle Period is not ‘running’ |
Completed | Any | No | Cannot run macro {0} because Cycle Period has status ‘Completed’ |
Aborted | Stopped | No | Cannot run macro {0} because Cycle Period has status ‘Aborted’ |
Archived | Any | No | Cannot run macro {0} because Cycle Period has status ‘Archived' |
This table lists the error message displayed during the macro execution:
Validation Condition | Error Message |
Check the Forecast engine name exists. | forecast engine {0} cannot be found. |
Where specified, or using defaults defined in the forecast engine settings, ensure the measures are valid for this cycle.Module and Enabled (parameter mappings and spreading measure. | measure "{0}" cannot be found. |
Where specified, or using defaults defined in the forecast engine settings, ensure the item level | item hierarchy level "{0}" cannot be found. |
Where specified, or using defaults defined in the forecast engine settings, ensure the location level is valid. | location hierarchy level "{0}" cannot be found. |
Where specified, or using defaults defined in the forecast engine settings, ensure the period level is valid. Note the specified calendar level must be Months for an engine of type BATS. |
period level {0} cannot be found. period level {0} must be Months or CMonths for engine type=BATS |
Where specified, ensure the item and location nodes are valid. | item {0} cannot be found. location {0} cannot be found. |
Where specified, ensure the algorithm is valid | the specified algorithm {0} is not supported. Valid entries are: (Best, BATS, Crostons, EventsOnly, ExponentialMovingAverage, HoltWinters, LeastSquares, MovingAverage and MultipleRegression). |
Where specified, or using defaults defined in the forecast engine settings, ensure the measures are not defined as Market Intelligence type measures (parameter mappings). | measure "{0}" cannot be of type Market Intelligence. |
Where specified, or using defaults defined in the forecast engine settings, ensure the measures are not defined as Transactional Data type measures (parameter mappings). | measure "{0}" cannot be of type Transactional Data |
Where specified, or using defaults defined in the forecast engine settings, ensure the measures are not defined as Order type measures (parameter mappings). | measure "{0}" cannot be of type Orders. |
User must have permission to run a Forecast Engine | Forecast Generation on module "{0}" is not permitted for user "{1}" |
Invalid Filter Syntax in filter parameter. | Filter is invalid. |
Measures used in filter parameter cannot be found. | Filter Measure "{0}" cannot be found. |
%measureContext% variable is only valid in a multi-panel destination worksheet that has panel link with Pass Measure = TRUE. A macro button must be defined on the destination worksheet to facilitate the access of the macros. If the macro is run from anywhere else (main toolbar, or Process module) then the macro fails because it is unable to identify the measure context. | Measure %measurecontext% cannot be found. |
Measures defined as calculation rules used in filter must be set up as a business metric. | Filters cannot be run on measures based on calculation rules. The measure must be defined as a Business Metric to fetch calculated values. |
Where specified, or using defaults defined in the forecast engine settings, ensure the item level is valid. | item hierarchy level "{0}" cannot be found. |
When the %itemcontext% syntax is specified as the Item Hierarchy
Selection and the data context Item is a My Selection, verify that the Item Hierarchy
Level is at the Base level of the hierarchy, as defined in the Cycle of My Selection.
If Item Hierarchy Level is not specified, validate that the Engines Default Item Level
is at the base level. |
"Item Level" must be set to the base level of the Hierarchy used in the My Selection, specified in the Cycle. |
When the %locationcontext% syntax is specified as the Location
Hierarchy Selection and the data context Location is a My Selection, verify that the
Location Hierarchy Level is at the Base level of the hierarchy, as defined in the
Cycle of My Selection. If the Location Hierarchy level is not specified, validate that
the Engines Default Location Level is at the base level. |
"Location Level" must be set to the base level of the Hierarchy used in the My Selection, specified in the Cycle. |