RunInterfaceService (Export) - Bucket at scenario level

The RunInterfaceService (Export) - Bucket macro is used to run an interface service that exports plan data for the specified Period Label. Data is exported for base periods regardless of the values specified in the Period Label, Horizon Level, and Number of Periods parameters.

For executing the macro, the value for the Command field must be specified in this format:

RunInterfaceService(Interface Service Name, "Export", [Item Hierarchy Node], [Location Hierarchy Node], "Bucket", [Period Label], [Number of periods], [Horizon Level], [Filter], [Data Source])
Note: The optional parameters are specified in [ ].

This table lists the parameters used to execute the RunInterfaceService (Export) - Bucket macro:

Parameter Name Description
Interface Service Name The name of the interface service that is run.
Direction The direction of the data flow. The value must be set to Export.
Item Hierarchy Node The item to export.
Note: If the value is not specified, all items are exported.
Location Hierarchy Node The location to export.
Note: If the value is not specified, all locations are exported.
Calendar Type The period for which the data is exported.
Note: By default, this value is set to Bucket.
Period Label The period to export. This supports rolling period nodes.
  • This field is applicable when Calendar Type is set to Bucket.
  • If the value is not specified, current planning period is considered.
Number of Periods The number of horizon level periods to export. If the horizon level is not equal to the Calendar Level to store scenario values or if the Telescopic option is enabled, all the base buckets within the specified range of selected periods are exported. Possible values:
  • Null or Zero: All base periods that are specified in the Period Label parameter are exported.
  • >=1: All base periods within the [Period Label], which belong to [Number of Periods] of [Horizon Level] buckets, starting from the first base period within the specified [Period Label] are exported.

For example, Calendar Level to Store Scenario Values = Weeks, Calendar Type = "Bucket", Period Label = "FY 2017", Horizon Level = "Months", Number of Periods = 3. This exports the base data for the first 3 months of the FY 2017 (12 weeks) cycle period.

Horizon Level The calendar horizon level to be used by [number of periods] for exporting.
Note: If the value is not specified, the number of periods are based on the calendar level to store scenario values.
Filter The filter used to determine the item and location selection at period constant (PCONST). Only the relevant data, of the selected items and locations that meet the specified criteria, is exported. See, Filter Parameter syntax.
Data Source An alternate data source to execute the Interface Service.
Note: The type of the data source must be the same as defined in the Interface Service.

This table lists the examples of the RunInterfaceService macro using Bucket:

Requirement Syntax
Export GOO items at all locations for the duration of the calendar bucket "Current Year" at the calendar level to store scenario values (no telescopic buckets are defined).

RunInterfaceService("Export Scenario file","Export","GOO","","Bucket","Current Year","0","","","")

RunInterfaceService("Export Scenario file","Export","GOO","","Bucket","Current Year","","","","")

Export All items at all locations for calendar bucket "Current Year" for 9 months period (if cycle calendar level to store scenario values = months). RunInterfaceService("Export Scenario file","Export","","","Bucket","Current Year","9","","","")
Export All items at all locations from calendar bucket "Current Year" for 3 Months of weekly periods (if cycle calendar level to store scenario values = weeks). RunInterfaceService("Export Scenario file","Export","","","Bucket","Current Year","3", "Months","","").