Validation of SCV business plans

Validation is performed when you create or modify an SCV business plan. If validation fails, the related error message is displayed, and the specified data is not saved.

This table lists the error messages displayed when validating the information specified on the Details tab:

Field Validation Condition Error Message
Name Checks if the value is populated. Name is a required field.
Name Checks if the name is unique. Cannot save Business Plan with name [name] because the name already exists.
Name Checks if the specified value is valid. Name contains invalid characters, supported characters are alphanumeric and _ only
Production Plan Checks if the option is set to On or Off. Production Plan must be set to True or False
Production Plan Checks if plans are included. Production Plan is set to Y but no production plans are included
Purchase Plan Checks if the option is set to True or False. Purchase Plan must be set to True or False
Purchase Plan Checks if plans are included. Purchase Plan is set to Y but no purchase plans are included
Transfer Plan Checks if the option is set to True or False. Transfer Plan must be set to True or False
Transfer Plan Checks if plans are included. Transfer Plan is set to Y but no transfer plans are included
Sales Plan Checks if the option is set to True or False. Sales Plan must be set to True or False
Sales Plan Checks if plans are included. Sales Plan is set to Y but no sales plans are included
Complete Form Checks if one of the plans (Production, Purchase, Transfer, Sales) is set to Y.

Cannot save Business Plan. At least one

of the plan categories must be selected.

This table lists the error messages displayed when validating the information specified on the Plan Attributes tab:

Field Validation Condition Error Message
Plan Checks if the value is populated. Plan in Business Plan [name] is a required field.
Plan Checks that the value is unique within Business Plan and Category. Cannot save Business Plan with name [name] because the plan [plan] already exists in category [category]
Plan Checks if the specified value is valid. Plan in Business Plan [name] contains invalid characters, supported characters are alphanumeric and _ only
Source Checks if the value is populated. Source in Business Plan [name] is a required field.
SCV Core Plan Table Checks if the value is populated. SCV Core Plan Table in Business Plan [name] is a required field.

This table lists the error messages displayed when validating the information specified on the Horizon Attributes tab:

Field Validation Condition Error Message
Horizon (duration) Checks if the value is populated. Horizon (duration) in Business Plan [name] is a required field.
Horizon (duration) Checks if the specified value is valid. Horizon (duration) in Business Plan [name] must be a numeric value.
Horizon (unit) Checks if the value is populated. Horizon (unit) in Business Plan [name] is a required field.
Horizon (unit) Checks if the specified value is valid. Horizon (duration) in Business Plan [name] contains an invalid value, supported values are "Days", "Weeks" and "Months".
Rolling Day (sequence) Checks if the value is populated. Rolling Day (sequence) in Business Plan [name] is a required field.
Rolling Day (sequence) Checks if the specified value is valid. Rolling Day (sequence) in Business Plan [name] contains an invalid value, supported values are all ordering numbers from "1st" to "6th".
Rolling Day Checks if the value is populated. Rolling Day in Business Plan [name] is a required field.
Rolling Day Checks if the specified value is valid. Rolling Day in Business Plan [name] contains an invalid value, supported values are "Day" and all week days from "Monday" to "Sunday".
Column to use for Horizon Selection Checks if the value is populated. Column to use for Horizon Selection in Business Plan [name] is a required field.

This table lists the error messages displayed when validating the information specified on the Item & Location Data Selection tab:

Field Validation Condition Error Message
Item Data Selection Checks if the specified value is valid. Found no entity for string reference [name] referencing "DataSelection" by "Entity.Name".
Location Data Selection Checks if the specified value is valid. Found no entity for string reference [name] referencing "DataSelection" by "Entity.Name".
Column to use for Item Selection Checks if the value is populated. Column to use for Item Selection in Business Plan [name] is a required field when Item Data Selection is populated.
Column to use for Location Selection Checks if the value is populated. Column to use for Location Selection in Business Plan [name] is a required field when Location Data Selection is populated.

This table list the error message displayed when validating the information specified on the Export Profile Selection tab:

Field Validation Condition Error Message
Export Profile Checks if the specified value is valid. Found no entity for string reference [name] referencing "ExportProfile" by "Entity.Name".