Creating Reference in SCV entity

To add a new reference:

  1. Click '+' in the References tab. The Reference window is displayed.
  2. Specify this information:
    The name of the Entity. You can select the value from:
    • All defined entity.names
    • All SZ_REG_TABLE where table_area = Inbox and ENTITY sheet.inbox flag is set to Y.
    • All SZ_REG_TABLE where table_area = Core and ENTITY sheet.core flag is set to Y.
    Entity Alias
    A unique alias for the entity.
    A unique alias for the entity.
    Note: This field is applicable only if the entity is defined.
    A unique integer (1 to 3) that defines the sequence in which the properties are processed.
    Note: This filed is displayed only if the entity is defined.
    Indicates if the Reference is set as parent reference.
    Note: By default, this field is set to Off.
    Validation Condition
    The condition to validate the reference.
    The Properties defined for the entity displayed in the Available pane. You can:
    • Select and move the Properties to the Selected pane using Right Arrow option.
    • Change the order of the Properties. The Properties use the Reference based on the order sequence.
  3. Click Add. A new row is added to the References list.
    Note: You can add up to three references for an entity.