Adding data to the Panel Links tab for a multi-panel worksheet

You can use the Panel Links tab, to add data for a multi-panel worksheet, to define the mapping for a panel:

  1. On the Panel Links tab, specify this information:
    Source Panel
    Select the panel in which the source worksheet must be displayed, based on the action specified for the defined measure in the master worksheet.
    Source Measure
    Select the measure (data row) from the master worksheet that must be mapped to the detail view. The list is displayed based on the measures defined for the module and the Measures (rv_measure_passed) parameter.
    Note: The Panel Links list of measures is populated based on the specified Master Panel.
    Destination Panel
    Select the panel in which the destination worksheet must be displayed, based on the action specified for the defined measure in the master worksheet.
    Open New Tab
    If this check box is selected, the Destination Worksheet is displayed in a new tab in the Destination Panel.
    Pass Item
    If this check box is selected, the item specified in the selected destination worksheet is included in the source worksheet.
    Note: If this check box is cleared, the system uses the item defined for the destination worksheet.
    Pass Location
    If this check box is selected, the location specified in the selected worksheet is included in the master worksheet.
    Note: If this check box is cleared, the system uses the location defined in the destination worksheet.
    Pass Period
    If this check box is selected, the period defined of the source worksheet is included in the master worksheet.
    Note: If this check box is cleared, the system uses the period defined in the destination worksheet.
    Pass Measure
    If this check box is selected, the measure defined in the specified worksheet is used in the Panel parameters and the Worksheet parameters.
    Note: If this check box is cleared, the measure defined in the destination worksheet is considered.
    Pass Scenario
    If this check box is selected, the scenario defined in the specified worksheet is used in the Panel parameters and the Worksheet parameters.
    Note: If this check box is cleared, the scenario defined in the destination worksheet is considered.
  2. On the Worksheet Parameters tab, specify this information:
    Select the panel for which the worksheet parameters must be defined. This list is based on the panels defined on the Panels tab.
    Specify the parameter that is applicable for the related worksheet of the selected panel, and the selected worksheet.
    Note: If the Report Source is set to Repository, only the repository parameters are displayed.

    If the Report Source is set to Embedded, only the embedded parameters are displayed.

    Specify the description for the parameter.
    Specify the value that must be passed for the specified parameter.
    If this check box is selected, the specified parameter is enabled for the worksheet.
  3. Click Submit and Back to List.