Export Interface Service
To export data for the selected planning engine interface:
- Select a planning engine from the main menu.
- Click the Details tab.
Select Export Interface Service from the Data Transfer list. The Export
Interface Service screen is displayed.
Note: The Export Interface Service option is displayed in the Data Transfer list if you have the required permission.
- Specify this information:
- Planning Engine
- The name or display name of the planning engine.Note: The value is displayed based on the selected planning engine and cannot be modified.
- Interface Service
- The interface services with the data entity set to Planning Engine and the
direction set to Export.Note: The interface service selected can be an Interface service created against a Planning Engine Definition.
- Data Source
- The name of the data source.Note: The value is displayed based on the selected interface and cannot be modified.
- File
- Indicates the file to create with exported plan data. Note:
- This field is displayed only when the interface service is set to CSV or Excel and the data source type is set to File.
- You can define a new file name if the file is not available in the destination location using the Add option.
- Save to Data Source
- Indicates whether the exported file is saved to the
specified data source for the interface service. Note: This field is displayed only when the interface service is set to CSV or Excel and the data source type is set to File.
- Download to Client
- Indicates whether the exported file is downloaded to the
browser client. Note: This field is displayed only when the interface service is set to CSV or Excel and the data source type is set to File.
Click Export.
Note: The data defined in the interface service is exported to the related data source and the details of the Export are recorded in the Audit log.