Planning Engine parameter variable substitution

The parameter variables are used in commands to represent the specific context or elements that are replaced at run-time by a value specific to the current planning engine context and settings. The parameter variables are validated at run-time. Therefore, all the variables are allowed when creating macros, interface services, or plansheet parameters. The context parameters such as %planningengine% are assigned to the specific macro. For example, if the context parameter is executed from a macro icon in the current plansheet, the planning engine of the current plansheet is used.
Note: The context parameters are used only within the Planning engine level macros.

The parameters that are invalid for the function that is being run, result in the termination of the program, and an error message is displayed.

  • Variables are not case-sensitive.
  • If the variables are used for macro functionality, only one variable per parameter is allowed.
  • The format used for application variables is app_var_VarName.
  • Application variables are declared at a system level and can be overridden at a Planning Engine level.
  • Application variables are run-time variables and can be replaced by the current Planning Engine version.