RunSCVInterfaceService (Import) at system level

The RunSCVInterfaceService macro is used to import Supply Chain Vault (SCV) data.
For executing the macro, the value in the Command field must be specified in this format:
RunSCVInterfaceService(Interface Service Name, Direction, [Time out], [Reject all on error], [Data Source])
Note: The optional parameters are specified in [ ].

This table lists the parameters that are used to determine the Interface service to execute:

Parameter Name Description
Interface Service Name The name of the Interface Service.
Direction Indicates the direction of the data flow. Possible values:
  • Import
  • Export
Note: This value must be set to Import.
Reject all on error Determines, if the macro execution stops in case of an error. This parameter is applicable only when the Direction parameter is set to Import. Possible values:
  • True
  • False
Note: The default value is set to True.
Time out The time, in seconds, to wait for the blocking processes (if any) to complete.
Note: If this value is not specified, the waiting period is indefinite.
Data Source An alternate Data Source to be executed against the Interface Service.
Note: The Data Source must be of the same type as defined in the Interface Service.

This table lists examples of RunSCVInterfaceService (Import) macro:

Requirement Syntax
Execute SCV interface service “Import My SCV Data”, with direction = Import, and process until the completion of the import source data. RunSCVInterfaceService("Import My SCV Data","Import","","","")
Execute SCV interface service “Import My SCV Data”, with direction = Import, and exit if any data error occurs. RunSCVInterfaceService("Import My SCV Data","Import","","True","")