CopyCyclePeriodData parameters
Parameter Name | Description |
Source Cycle | The Cycle from which the measure data is copied. |
Source Cycle Period | The Cycle period from which the measure data is copied. Note: If this value is not specified, the current Cycle period for the
specified Cycle is considered. If there is no Cycle period with Running status, an
error message is displayed.
Source Scenario Name | The Scenario name from which the measure data is copied. |
Source Item Level | The Item Level in the Source Cycle period which matches the base
Item Level in the destination (current context) Cycle Periods Item hierarchy. The data
from the Source Item Level is copied to the base Item Level of the Destination
(current context) Cycle Period. The matching of nodes is based on the name of the
item, since code lists, hierarchies or configuration versions can differ. Note: If this value is not specified, the base Item Level (level to store
scenario values) of Source Cycle period is considered.
Source Location Level | The Location Level in the Source Cycle period and Source Module
which matches the base Location Level in the destination (current context) Cycle
Periods module Location hierarchy. The data from the Source Location Level is copied
to the base Location Level of the Destination Cycle Period. The matching of nodes is
based on the name of the location since code lists, hierarchies or configuration
versions may differ. Note: If this value is not specified, the base Location Level of Source
Cycle period is considered.
Source Calendar Level | The Calendar Level in the Source Cycle Period which matches the
Calendar Level in the Destination (current context) Cycle Period. The data from the
Source Calendar Level is copied to the base level of the Calendar in the Destination
Cycle Period. The matching of nodes is based on the name of the calendar since code
lists, hierarchies or configuration versions may differ. Note:
Source Measure code | The measure to be copied. Note: If this value is not defined, all published, subscribed and internal
measures including business metrics for this module (Source Scenario) are
Item Hierarchy node | The item hierarchy selected for copying. If ‘Use Destination Hierarchy’ = False or is not defined:
If ‘Use Destination Hierarchy’ = True:
Location hierarchy node | The location selected for copying. If ‘Use Destination Hierarchy’ = False or is not defined:
If ‘Use Destination Hierarchy’ = True:
Note: If the copied measure is of Transactional Data type, the location
hierarchy node refers to the ‘To Location’ of the transactional data.
Period label | The period duration to be copied. If ‘Use Destination Hierarchy’ = False or Not defined:
If ‘Use Destination Hierarchy’ = True:
Destination Measure code | The measure of the destination cycle period. Note:
Source Module | The module in the Source Cycle Period containing the source
scenario from which the measure to be copied. Note: If this value is not defined, the destination module (context of
destination scenario) is considered.
Overwrite | Indicates if the data at the destination is overwritten with the
source data. Possible values:
Note: By default, this value is set to FALSE.
Filter | The filter used to determine the item and location selection. The
relevant data of the item@locations is copied only if the filter criteria is met. If ‘Use Destination Hierarchy’ is set to False, the filter is applied to the source cycle's item@locations (at period constant (PCONST)) at the specified Source (Item, Location) level. If ‘Use Destination Hierarchy’ is set to True, the filter is applied to the destination cycle's item@locations (at period constant (PCONST)) at the base level for items and hierarchies. See, Filter Parameter syntax. |
Use Destination Hierarchies | Indicates if the hierarchies in the destination cycle period are
considered. Possible values:
Note: The ‘Item hierarchy node’, ‘location hierarchy node’ and ‘period
label’ refer to the hierarchies in the source cycle period.
The value for the Command field must be specified in this format:
CopyCyclePeriodData (Source Cycle, [Source Cycle period], Source Scenario Name, [Source Item Level], [Source Location Level], [Source Calendar Level], [Source Measure code], [Item hierarchy node], [Location hierarchy node], [Period label], [Destination Measure code], [Source Module], [Overwrite], [Filter], [Use Destination Hierarchies]).
This table lists the examples of the CopyCyclePeriodData macro:
Requirements | Syntax |
Copy all valid measures from Demand-Baseline in the cycle period Normal May11 at the source hierarchy levels "SKUs, "Locations", "Weeks" to the current scenario for all source items at all source locations for the source cycle period horizon. Includes iconst, lconst and pconst values when item, location and period parameter selection is not specified. | CopyCyclePeriodData("Normal","May11","Demand-Baseline","SKUs","Locations","Weeks","","","","","","","","","") |
Copy the BREV measure from Finance-Baseline in the currently running cycle period for Normal at the source hierarchy levels "Groups", "Regions", "Weeks" to the current scenario for all source items at all source locations for the source cycle period horizon. Includes iconst,pconst and lconst values when item, location, period parameter selections do not exist. | CopyCyclePeriodData("Normal","","Finance-Baseline", "Groups", "Regions","Weeks","BREV","","","","","","", "","") |
Copy all valid measures from Finance-Baseline in the currently running cycle period for Normal at the source hierarchy levels "Groups", "Regions", "Weeks" to the current scenario for GOO items (at source) at all source locations for the source cycle period horizon. Includes pconst,iconst values when location and period label parameter selections do not exist. | CopyCyclePeriodData("Normal","","Finance-Baseline","Groups","Regions","Weeks","","GOO","","","","","","","") |
Copy all valid measures from Demand-Baseline in cycle period Strategic Q1 11 at the base hierarchy levels of the source Cycle Period to the current scenario for all source items at all source locations for all base periods within the calendar period "FY 10" (at source). Includes iconst and lconst values when item, location parameter selections do not exist. | CopyCyclePeriodData("Strategic","Q1 11","Demand-Baseline","","","","","","","FY 10","","","","","") |
Copy the BREV measure from Finance-Baseline in cycle period Normal Apr11 at the source hierarchy levels "Groups", "Regions", "Months" to the current scenario for GOO items (at source) at US locations (at source) for all months within the source calendar period "FY 10". Values for the month are totaled from weeks, assuming that the calendar level to store scenario values is Weekly, for the source cycle period. | CopyCyclePeriodData("Normal","Apr11","Finance-Baseline","Groups","Regions","Months","BREV","GOO","US","FY 10","","","","","") |
Copy the BREV measure from Finance-Baseline in cycle period Normal Apr11 at the source hierarchy levels "Groups", "Regions", "Months" to the FREV measure for the current scenario for GOO items (in source) at US locations (in source) for all months within the period "Current Year" (in source). Values for the month are totaled from weeks, assuming that the calendar level to store scenario values is Weekly, for the source cycle period. | CopyCyclePeriodData("Normal","Apr11","Finance-Baseline","Groups","Regions","Months","BREV","GOO","US","Current Year","FREV","","","","") |
Copy the MI measure DPLS_MI from Finance-Baseline in the
currently running cycle period for Normal at the source hierarchy levels "Groups",
"Regions", "Weeks" to the current scenario for all source items at all source
locations for the source cycle period horizon to the measure "BREV". This copies the
MI measure values of DPLS_MI (which is a Market Intelligence measure) to the measure
BREV. Note: Events and notes are not copied.
CopyCyclePeriodData("Normal","","Finance-Baseline","Groups","Regions","Weeks","DPLS_MI","","","","BREV","","","","") |
Copy the SOP_FUNITS measure from "Revised" in the Demand module for the currently running cycle period for Xpress (M) at the base hierarchy levels of the source Cycle Period to the current (Supply) scenario for all source items and source locations for the cycle period horizon. Includes iconst, lconst and pconst values as using base levels for the source when item, location parameter selections do not exist. | CopyCyclePeriodData("Xpress (M)","","Revised","","","","SOP_FUNITS","","","","SOP_CUSTOMER_PSALES","Demand","","","") |
Copy the BREV measure from SPlus-Revised in the currently running cycle period for Normal at the source hierarchy levels "Groups", "Customers", "Weeks" to the current scenario for all source items at all source locations where SPLS_STOCK_QTYOH > SPLS_STOCK_COVER for the cycle period horizon. | CopyCyclePeriodData("Supply (W)","","SPlus-Revised", "Groups", "Customers", "Weeks", "BREV","","","","","","","[SPLS_STOCK_QTYOH] > [SPLS_STOCK_COVER]","") |
Copy the BSELL measure from Finance-Baseline in the currently running cycle period for cycle Normal at the source hierarchy levels "Groups", "Regions", "Months" to the current scenario for destination Item "GOO" at destination location "US" for the destination period "Rolling Periods". | CopyCyclePeriodData("Normal","","Finance-Baseline","Groups","Regions","Months","BREV","GOO","US","Rolling Periods","","","","","TRUE") |
Copy the Order TRANSFER from Supply-Baseline in the currently running cycle period for cycle Normal at the source hierarchy levels "Groups", "Regions", "Months" to the current scenario for nodes under the destination Item "BRAND A" at destination location "US" for the destination period "Rolling Periods". This copies all Transactional Data where "to Location" has locations under "US" for "BRAND A" Items in the destination cycle period and which the “To Date” (Received/End Date) is within the Destination Rolling Period bucket. |
CopyCyclePeriodData("Normal","","Supply-Baseline","Groups","Regions","Months","TRANSFER","BRAND A","US","","Rolling Periods","","","","TRUE") |
Copy the Market Intelligence measure DPLS_FMI_EVENT from Demand-Baseline in the current cycle period for cycle Normal at the base hierarchy levels of the source Cycle Period to the current scenario for all source items at all source locations for all base periods for Events which start and end within the calendar period "FY20 M10" (at source). | CopyCyclePeriodData("Normal","","Demand-Baseline","","","","DPLS_FMI_EVENT","","","FY20 M10","","","","","") |