Displaying scenario history

Scenario history includes the manual plan changes that are made to a cycle period scenario, from a worksheet.

To display scenario history:

  1. Select one of these options:
    • Cycle or Cycle and Module > Scenario History
    • Process > Cycle Periods > Cycle Period Details > Scenarios > Scenario Details > History
    • Cycle or Cycle and Module > Cycle Period Details > Cycle Periods > Scenario Details > History
  2. Click the plus symbol [+] next to the Scenario History option.
    • Select an existing search from the Search field to display the scenario history, based on a previously saved search selection.
    • Specify a new search selection by defining or updating these fields:
      Select a module from the list, based on the defined modules.
      Select a cycle from the list, based on the defined cycles.
      Cycle Period
      Select a cycle period from the list, based on the current cycle period or select a period specified for the cycle.
      Select a scenario from the list, based on the defined scenarios.
      Select an item or item level from the list, based on the defined item hierarchies. If you do not specify a value, all the items are displayed.
      Note: When you select an element, the history entries for the selected item and the related levels are also included.
      Select a location or location level from the list, based on defined location hierarchies. If you do not specify a value, all the locations are displayed.
      Note: When you select an element, the history entries for the selected item and the related levels are also included.
      Select a period or period node level the list, based on defined calendar hierarchies. If you do not specify a value, all the periods are displayed.
      Note: When you select an element, the history entries for the selected item and the related levels are also included.
      Select a measure from the list, based on defined measures. If you do not specify a value, all the measures are displayed.
      Change Action
      Select the type of action that must be performed to modify the scenario value. These are the options:
      • Business Metric
      • Clear
      • Copy
      • Import
      • Manual Edit
      • Mapping
      • Other
      • Prorate
      • SuperSession
      • Transaction
      • Undo
      Specify a user name.
      Date After
      Select a date from which you want to specify the search. History records after this date are displayed. To specify a search range, enter a value in the Date Before field.
      Date Before
      Select a date up to which you want to specify the search. History records before this date are displayed. To specify a search range, enter a value in the Date After field.
      % Change >=
      The percentage change from the previous value to the new value from which you want to specify the search. History records greater than or equal to this value are displayed. To specify a search range, enter a value in the % Change <= field.
      • AND: Displays a record if the first condition and the second condition are true. History records that are within the specified % change search ranges; are displayed.
      • OR: Displays a record if either the first condition or the second condition is true. History records with a percentage change that is greater than or equal to the % Change >= field, or lesser than or equal to the % Change <= field are displayed.
      % Change <=
      The percentage change from the previous value to the new value from which you want to specify the search. History records that are less than or equal to this value are displayed. To specify a search range, also enter a value in the % Change >= field.
      Note: The calculation of percentage is modified: ((B-A)/ABS(A)) * 100.
      A Previous value
      B New value
      ABS Absolute


      Previous value New value % Change
      100 110 10
      100 0 -100
      -0.5 -100 20100
      50 100 100
      100 50 -50
      50 -50 -200
      -50 50 200
      New Value>=
      Specify the value on which the search must be based. For example, (Stock Errors>0).
      New Value <=
      Specify the value on which the search must be based. For example, (Stock Errors<0).
      Aggregate Changes
      If this check box is selected, the aggregate changes are displayed. These are the direct edits made to an aggregate level, and prorated down the hierarchy.
      For example, If the Aggregate Changes and Base Level Changes check boxes are selected, the Period FY10 Qtr1 returns the scenario history for FY10 Qtr1, FY10 M1, FY10 M2 and FY10 M3. To view only the direct changes made during FY10 Qtr1, select the Aggregate check box and clear the Base Level Changes check box.
      Note: Intermediate nodes in a hierarchy are not part of the scenario history or aggregate changes.

      Example (location hierarchy):

      • All (edit: 100->200)
      • EMEA, US
      • East, West, North, South

      Scenario history entries are created for the aggregate level All, and the base-levels East, West, North, and South. Changes at US and EMEA levels are not included. To view the EMEA changes, select the location in the Location field and use the Base Level Changes check box.

      Base Level Changes
      If this check box is selected, the base-level changes that are apportioned from an aggregate change are displayed.
      Hide Spreading Results
      If this check box is selected, the history entries that are spread to the base-level nodes are not displayed. These history entries are created because of the aggregate change in the scenario data.
      Note: If the Aggregate Changes and the Base Level Changes check boxes are selected, the scenario history entries that are updated manually are displayed.
  3. Click Search. Based on the search selection criteria, a chronological list of history records is displayed, with the details of the selected record.

    These fields are displayed for the history record:

    • Date: The date the change is made.
    • User: The user who makes the change.
    • Item: The node in the item hierarchy, at which the change is made.
    • Location: The node in the location hierarchy, at which the change is made.
    • Period: The node in the calendar hierarchy at which the change is made
    • Measure: The measure that is changed.
    • Previous Value: The existing value prior to the change. Values of 0 are not stored in the worksheet and are therefore empty in the history record.
    • New Value: The changed new value. Values of 0 are not stored in the worksheet, and therefore the value is null in the history record.
    • % Change: The percentage change from the previous value to the new value.
    • Aggregate: If this check box is selected, this is a direct change to an aggregate level that is prorated down the hierarchy.
  4. Optionally, you can save your search selection by clicking Save. This step is only applicable for new or modified search selections.
  5. In the Save Search window, specify this information:
    The name of the search. Specify a new name or select an existing name to update a previously defined search.
    The owner of the search.
    Select this check box, if the search is public and can be viewed by everyone.
    Clear this check box, if the search is private and is only visible to the owner.
    • You can only update a search if you are the owner of the search.
    • Only users with the required security permission can create public search.
    • The saved search can be selected from the Search list, on the Scenario History pane, of the Scenario History page.