View Pie, Donut, or Funnel charts in an embedded worksheet
To view a pie, donut, or funnel chart, select a standard worksheet for
which the
report type = pivot_editor
report source = Embedded
, and the
is 3 or 8. All pie, donut, or funnel
charts are allotted equal space on the worksheet panel, below the pivot table.
However, the
is not required for these chart types.
- A donut chart is displayed
only if
rv_pie_style = 2
. - Funnel charts are used to display the data based on the series specified in the pivot table.
- The sorting option of the pivot table is used to determine the order in which data must be displayed in the funnel chart.
By default, the data is plotted on rows (rv_chart_rows =
- Pie, donut, or funnel charts display a segment for each left dimension combination (Left 1 to n).
- Pie, donut, or funnel charts display a separate pie or funnel for each top dimension (Top 1 to n).
- If
rv_chart_rows = FALSE
, the series from the top dimensions (one for each combination) is considered when the data is plotted. Additional pie charts are based on the left dimensions.
Display options and settings:
- If
rv_chart_3D = TRUE
,rv_chart_number = 3
is set to 0 or 1, the chart is displayed in 3D. Ifrv_pie_style = 2
(semi-circle donut chart), therv_chart_3d
is ignored and the chart is displayed in 2D. - If
rv_pivot_hide = true
, by default, the chart is displayed in the slicers area. To hide dimensions in the slicer area, the user must specify the required data in the rv_slicers_hide parameter. - A legend details each
series and the corresponding color. The legend position can be set using
. However, ifrv_legend_position = 5
, the Data Labels are displayed. Data Labels are used on each slice to display the name and value. - A tooltip that details the
current series and value is displayed when you move the pointer over a series
in the chart. If
, the data is permanently displayed in the data labels, consequently, the tooltip is not displayed. - If the worksheet is part of a multi-panel worksheet, to refresh the other panels, click a series in the chart for the measures that contains the panel links.
- You can hide certain elements in a dimension on the chart, using the graph_hide parameters.
Restrictions for pie, donut, or funnel charts:
- Plotting % format measures separately is not applicable.
- The option to click a series legend and temporarily hide a series is not applicable.
- The option to drag edited values in a chart is not supported.