Editing SCV Planning Configuration datasheets

The user can modify the Planning Configuration SCV datasheets. The source of the datasheet must be Table (and not Query) and belong to Planning Configuration.

  1. Select SCV.
  2. Click the required SCV datasheet. The datasheet table is displayed.
    Note: The table contains columns that are specified during creation; starting with mandatory primary key columns.
  3. Click Edit. The Add, Delete and Duplicate options are displayed.
    Note: The Edit option is displayed only if the user has Edit permission.
  4. Click the required cell to modify the value.
    • You cannot modify the values for control columns such as id, modification_time, modified_by, creation_time and created_by.
    • The modification_time, modified_by columns are updated automatically.
  5. Modify the datasheet using these options, if required:
    • Add: Adds a new row at the top of the table and specify the values on the required fields.
    • Delete: Deletes the selected row(s) from the datasheet.
    • Duplicate: Creates a duplicate of the existing data.
  6. Click Save. The revised values are update in the database after successful validation.
    Note: This warning message is displayed if the primary key columns are not updated:
    Unable to save the record with primary key values (<pk1>,<pk2>,. .)=(<value_1>,<value_2>,. .) 
    All primary key columns must be populated!