File Detail tab

You must specify this information on the File Detail tab.
File Delimiter
The file delimiter type. Possible values:
  • Comma
  • Tab
  • Pipe
Note: By default, the value is set to Comma.
Number Format
The number format for the values to be validated when importing data to numeric fields in the SCP database. For Export, the numeric values are exported based on the defined format.
Date Format
The date format to be validated when importing data to the date fields in SCP database. For Export, the dates are exported based on this defined format. Accepted values: d, M, y, H, m, s, /, -, :, [ ]. For example:
  • dd/MM/yyyy
  • yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
  • yyyy-MM-dd[ HH:mm:ss]
  • You can specify the time element as optional value by enclosing in square bracket [].
  • You must specify the Month indicator and Hour indicator in upper case.