Export Behavior tab

You must specify this information in the Export Behavior tab.
Export Type
The export behavior for new and existing data. Possible value:
  • Insert only: Inserts new rows in the destination table. If the rows exist in the destination table, an error message is displayed.
Note: This field is displayed only if the Interface Type is set to Database.
Clear Destination Table before Export
Indicates, if the data in the destination table is cleared or retained prior to executing the interface and exporting rows. Possible scenarios:
  • On: The existing data in the destination table is cleared before the export.
  • Off: The exported data is appended to the existing destination table.
Note: This field is displayed only if the Interface Type is set to Database.
Append Time Stamp to File Name
Indicates if Time Stamp (in UTC format) is appended to the name of the exported file. The Time Stamp is appended to the file name before the file extension and is preceded by an underscore. For example: FileName_20171030135355.csv
  • By default, the value is set to Off.
  • This field is displayed only if the Interface Type is set to CSV.
Include quotes for exported values
Indicates if the exported values must be enclosed in quotes.
  • By default, the value is set to On.
  • This field is displayed only if the Interface Type is set to CSV.